Page 22 - The Indian EYE 093022
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 | The Indian Eye 22
IICCI officially launched with an
MoU signing ceremony
New York, NY
he India Initiative for
Research and Education
TCollaboration of CUNY
CREST Institute (IICCCI) was
officially launched on September
9, 2022, in the North Hall Library
building, the Bronx Community
College through a Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) signing
The MoU was signed by the
President of Bronx Communi-
ty College (BCC) Thomas Is-
ekenegbe and the President of
The City College of New York
Vincent Boudreau witnessed by Prof. Phillip and Prof. Sen from
CUNY CREST Institute Exec- BCC have received several grants for
utive Director, Dr Reza Khan- their work in India.
bilvardi and other guests from One of the grants is a public
across CUNY, New York City diplomacy grant from the US State
and Government of India. Department to install six solar pow-
BCC has been active with ered weather stations in three states
academic partnerships in India and to conduct climate change work-
since 2019.Under the leadership shops for over 5,000 participants.
of Prof. Neal Phillip and Prof. Another is a 3yr $300,000 Na-
Paramita Sen a sustainability tional Science Foundation grant
focused study abroad program with Dr Brian vant-Hull of CUNY
to Maharashtra was undertaken CREST Institute to take 33 BCC/
with 15 BCC and other CUNY CUNY students to conduct air pol-
students where they installed a lution research in Mumbai and New
solar powered weather station Delhi, beginning in January 2023.
and participated in other science The meeting opened with wel-
and cross-cultural diplomatic ac- coming remarks and a presentation