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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 24


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        by  BCC  Professors  Paramita  Sen,   The Institute will carry out its  diplomatic relations with the United  partnership that continues to grow
        Neal Phillip along with Dr. Shaki-  mission by securing our connections  States.  Hon.  Jaiswal  also  expressed  between  CCNY  and  BCC  and  par-
        la Merchant, Deputy Director of  to India and illuminating those issues  his strong commitment and support  ticularly with  CUNY CREST  Insti-
        CUNY CREST Institute. They pro-   such as climate change, that affect us  to IICCCI’s collaborative work with  tute and expressed his gratitude and
        vided an overview of ongoing work  all.                             Indian counterparts.              commitment for the CUNY India
        and future collaborations with BCC,   Today, as you gather to cele-                                   work that was started by Professors
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        CUNY CREST Institute and India.   brate  the  opening  of  this  powerful  In his welcoming remarks, Pro-  Paramita Sen and Neal Phillip in
            The MoU ceremony was fol-     monument  to  friendship,  global   fessor Phillip, highlighted how   2019, and will now be expanded and
        lowed by the ribbon cutting ceremo-  cooperation,  and innovation,  I  am                             further strengthen by including more
        ny at the India Books Corner located  proud to applaud the IICCCI, and  the “Yatra” to Maharashtra,  research and educational collabora-
        within the library and the signing of  look forward to all that its scholars   India began in 2019, when Pro-  tions between Indo-US academic in-
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        four CUNY approved Shared State-  will discover hand-in-hand, shoul-                                  stitutions through the IICCCI.
        ment of Interest (SSI) by the Indian  der-to-shoulder and byline-to-byline.  fessor Paramita Sen proposed   Soon  after  the  ribbon  cutting
        Delegates from Maharashtra and  Now I Eric Adams, Mayor of the City   a  CUNY  India  Study  Abroad   ceremony, the signing of the Shared
        President Isekenegbe.             of New York do hereby proclaim Fri-                                 Statement of Interests (SSI) between
            The  Ceremonial  event  began  day  September  9,  2022  in  the  City  program. The program became  BCC and three state universities of
        with an opening remark by the BCC  of New York as India Initiative of   a reality and was spearheaded   Maharashtra State took place. Sig-
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        President  Isekenegbe,  followed  by  Research and Education Collabora-                               natories from India were VC Kar-
        CCNY President Boudreau. NYC  tions of the CUNY CREST Institute  by Professors Sen and Phillip  bhari Kale signed the SSI on behalf
        Deputy Commissioner Chauhan,  DAY”                                  in conjunction with the IBM       of DBATU, Raigad and SPPU,
        who represented NYC Mayor Eric        The IICCCI mission is to fos-                                   Pune, State of Maharashtra India;
        Adams, and had the privilege to read  ter  robust  and  inclusive  cultural-so- Smart City of Townsville, Aus-  VC Ujwala Chakradeo on behalf of
        out NYC Mayor’s Proclamation of  cial-academic  synergism  between   tralia and with the 15 BCC/      SNDT  Women’s  University;  Mum-
        IICCCI,  which  quotes:  “…When  CUNY and Indian academic insti-                                      bai, State of Maharashtra, India; and
        pandemic spread across out City and  tutions,  federal  entities  and  private  CUNY students.        VC Paturkar on behalf of MAFSU,
        our nation, we were all reminded of  enterprise. You can click
                                                                                                              Nagpur, State of Maharashtra, India.
        our vast interconnectedness.          In his special remarks, Honor-    In his opening remarks, Execu-    The Master of the Ceremony,
            That is why it is more important  able Consul General of India in New  tive Director of the CUNY CREST  Professor  Paramita  Sen,  concluded
        than  ever  that  we  build  new  bridg-  York,  Randhir  Jaiswal  reminded  us  Institute  Dr.  Reza  Khanbilvardi  the event by thanking one and all who
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        es and promote the excellence and  all  of  the  75  years  of  the  Indepen-  proudly took the audience down the  made this formulation of IICCCI
        achievement of our partners abroad.   dence  of  India  and  the  75  years  of  memory lane of the history of strong  and the MoU signing event possible.


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