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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 | The Indian Eye 28
Feature Film ‘Maali’ makes an impactful North American
premiere at the Chicago South Asian Film Festival
OUR BUREAU hiqui’ (2021). Besides donning the
producer’s hat, Pragya has been in-
volved in some exemplary work in
aali’ is a journey of a the field of environment conserva-
16-year-old girl Tulsi, from tion.
Mthe calm mountains to Founder of Ek Saath -The Earth
the concrete jungle and her struggle Foundation, she remains in a con-
when she witnesses the life of the city; stant pursuit to make the world a
greed, loneliness and depression. As better place through her philanthro-
interesting as the movie title, ‘Maali’ py efforts & eco-friendly initiatives.
brings alive the most pertinent glob- Pragya says, ‘Maali’ is a film
al conversation around deforestation which is close to my heart. When
and mental health. I heard the story of the film from
Shiv C. Shetty, who makes his Sonali and Shiv for the first time, I
directorial debut, said, “It’s heart- instantly connected with the world
warming to see that a journey we and agreed to come on board as a
started 3-years ago has reached this presenter. Filmmakers who have the
far, showcasing ‘Maali’ to the Chica- passion and drive to tell meaningful,
go audience is special and it is very engaging stories about real issues
gratifying to see the everyone emo- need to be encouraged.”
tionally connects with the film. is rapid urbanization and at the oth- Kapoor who is known for delivering Presented by Pragya Kapoor
‘Maali’ is a reflection of what we er, soon-to-be-extinct nature.” content-driven hits like ‘Kedarnath’ ‘Maali’ is written by Shiv - Sonali and
see around us today; at one end there ‘Maali’ is presented by Pragya (2018) and ‘Chandigarh Kare Aas- directed by Shiv C. Shetty.