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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 20

         Dilip Chauhan Honored with Patron for Planet

                 Award at Green Scholl Conference 2022

        OUR BUREAU

        New York, NY
               reen Mentors, an India-based
               Responsible  Education  Solu-
        Gtion Provider, successfully
        hosted its 6th NYC Green School
        Conference -2022 at SUNY Maritime
        College New York on September 24.
        This Conference was the 1st Confer-
        ence on Responsible Education in the
        America   during the 77th session of the
        United  Nations  General  Assembly.
            The event was attended by high
        profile  speakers  from  around  the
        world, like Dilip Chauhan, Deputy
        Commissioner  of  the  NYC  Office
        for International Affairs, Rear Adm.
        Michael Alfultis, President of SUNY
        Maritime College, New York, Dr
        Henry Stoever, President & CEO of
        Association of Governing Boards of
        Universities and Colleges (AGB).
            In his keynote speech at the event
        was Dilip Chauhan mentioned that
        New York City Mayor Eric Adams t
        launched Building Action NYC a new
        citywide campaign to  promote  steps
        to  make  New  York  City’s  buildings
        greener and more resilient while fos-
        tering a healthier future for the city
        and New Yorkers.
            The city’s more than one million
        buildings — covering more than five
        billion  square  feet  —  constitute  the
        largest  source  of  the  city’s  carbon
        emissions, contributing almost 70 per-
        cent of the city’s total emissions. The   Green School Network at this confer-
        work to limit building emissions will   ence. The first network of schools will
        be a critical component of the city’s   bring  Indian  and  American  Schools
        work  towards  reaching  carbon  neu-  together to build a sustainable future
        trality by 2050.                  for every child.  The conference was
            “Buildings are the largest emit-  divided in the eight sessions, including
        ters of carbon, so we are investing in   Rethinking  for  Responsible  Educa-
        bringing  renewable  energy  to  them   tion, Leaders to learn from, SDG 4.7,
        and making New York City a national   and inspiring stories from outdoor
        leader in green buildings — creating   Learning. In addition, Green Awards
        tens  of  thousands  of  jobs  for  New   were presented to the celebrated In-
        Yorkers and delivering environmental   dividuals  and institutions for their
        justice for our city,” he said.    exceptional contributions toward sus-
            This conference was held months   tainable education.  In every session,
        after the India and the U S held the   inspiring speakers presented their
        2+2 Ministerial Dialogue and agreed   green stories, vision, and plans for sus-
        further to strengthen cooperation   tainable and responsible education.
        in education and skill development    Virendra Rawat, the event or-
        through  collaborations  and  promote   ganizer, said that this event inspired
        student and scholar mobility to build   schools, Universities, Policymakers,
        people-to-people  linkages  between   education  leaders  and  the  member
        the two countries.                states of the United Nations to bring
            School leaders of India and the   back responsible education for a sus-
        US launched the Indo-American     tainable future.

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