Page 16 - The Indian EYE 093022
P. 16
North The Indian Eye
16 SEPTEMBER 30, 2022
India’s 75th Independence Day
Celebrated at Capitol Hill
At the AAPI Event, Key US Lawmakers Advocate For Stronger India-US Ties
Washington, DC
he American Association of
Physicians of Indian Origin
T(AAPI) organized the 75th
Anniversary of the Independence of
India/Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav on
Capitol Hill on Wednesday, Septem-
ber 21st, 2022, where key US Sena-
tors and Congressmen participated
and stressed the need to strengthen
Indo-US relationship and praised
the contributions and achievements
of Physicians of Indian Origin and
the larger Indian American commu-
A strong India means a strong
US, influential US lawmakers from
both sides of the aisle said, as they
pledged to work towards strengthen-
ing the relationship between the two
largest democratic countries of the over 270 million out of poverty in the
world at a time when the world is un- past decade or so.
dergoing several changes and facing “I am here today to say, thank
numerous challenges. you, from the bottom of my heart,”
Attended by dozens of leaders of Senator Joe Manchin, a West Virgin-
AAPI and several community lead- ia Democrat said. Recalling his vis-
ers, a first of its kind, the India Day its to India, he said, he saw in action
on Capitol Hill was a celebration of “the greatness of the largest democ-
India as a nation that is a model and racy in the world in full action.”
strong democracy and a fast-growing While lauding the contributions
economy that has taken a central of physicians of Indian Origin, “Had
place on world stage. it not been for the Indian commu-
Dr. Sampat Shivangi, Chair of nity that came to West Virginia to
AAPI Legislative Committee, who provide their services, most of rural
has played a lead role in organizing West Virginia would not have health
the India Day celebrations on Capi- care today.” While observing that a
tol Hill said, Indian-Americans have major section of healthcare service
a key role to play in the India-US re- in the rural US is provided by Indian
lationship. American Doctors.
“It is a proud moment for ev- Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, a
ery Indian, living in every part of fifth largest economic superpower the accomplishments and progress Republican Senator representing the
the world to see the progress that in the world even surpassing India’s we have made, while preserving our state of Mississippi stressed the im-
our motherland has achieved since Colonial Masters, the UK, France, integrity, unity, core values of free- portance of having strong relations
its independence 75 years ago.” Dr. and Germany. doms, democracy and respect for between India and the United States.
Shivangi, a member of the National In his welcome address, Dr. Ravi diverse cultures and the groups that “The relationship between the Unit-
Advisory Council, Center for Nation- Kolli, President of AAPI, “India @ live and thrive in our beloved moth- ed States and India is mutually ben-
al Mental Health Services referred 75! It is a milestone filled with feel- erland. India has made great strides eficial for both of the countries and
to India which has now become the ings of sense of pride and joy for all in various sectors of economy lifting