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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 18

        India’s 75th Independence Day Celebrated at Capitol Hill

        not of war.”                      est income and the highest level of
            Rep.  Pramila  Jayapal,  the  first   education.”
        and only Indian-American woman        “Indian American physicians
        in the US Congress, said India and   have  made  vital  contributions  to
        the US, despite being a world apart,   the  health  care  field,”  said  Dr.  Dr.
        have shared a very unique and im-  Kishore Challa, Co-Chair of AAPI’s
        portant relationship over the years.   Legislative Committee.
        India  and  the  US  have  made  tre-  “As physicians, we provide crit-
        mendous strides in the promotion of   ical care to patients from rural &
        public health.                    urban communities across the Coun-
            With the help of more than USD   try. Indian American doctors are
        200 million in aid from the US, India   playing  a  critical  role  in  filling  the
        surpassed an important milestone in   nationwide physician shortage.
        the  fight  against  COVID-19  by  ad-  The India Day on Capitol Hill
        ministering two billion doses of vac-  is a unique opportunity for AAPI
        cines, the second most of any coun-  members  to  be  part  of  the  deci-
        try in the world, she said.       sion-making process on matters re-
            Congressman Raja Krishna-     lated to healthcare and advocate for
        moorthi said the Indian American   stronger and closer ties between In-
        community needs to make its pres-  dia and the United States.”
        ence known. Imploring more Indian     A reception and dinner hosted
        Americans to run for office, Krishna-  by Honorable Taranjit Singh Sand-
        moorthi told the Capitol Hill gather-  hu,  Ambassador  of  India  to  the
        ing, “If you are not at the table, you   United States, with several dignitar-
        will be on the menu.” India, he said,   ies  at  the  Indian  Embassy  was  the
        has done a lot in the last 75 years.   grand finale to the day-long event at
            “I want to talk a little bit about   the nation’s capital. India and Unit-
        its (India’s) greatest export. Its great-  ed States enjoy a comprehensive
        est export is you – Indian Americans   global strategic partnership covering
        who are four million strong. They   almost all areas of human endeavor,
        are the fastest-growing ethnic mi-  driven by shared democratic values,
        nority in America. They are the most   convergence of interests on a range
        prosperous ethnic minority and the   of issues, and vibrant people-to-peo-
        most well educated.”              ple contacts.
            Congressman Ted Deutch said,      “The relationship is very strong,”
        India and the US are strategic part-  noting India and the US are connect-
        ners and Indian Americans are the   ed in culture, democratic traditions,
        key assets in the India-US relation-  entrepreneurship, and innovation.
        ship. “We are not only strategic part-  “And we are connected because the
        ners,  but  we  are  friends,”  he  said.   Indian American community in the
        Referring to the NRI community, he   US  is  so  very  strong,”  Ambassador
        said, “This is the group in the US, of   Sandhu told an enthusiastic audi-
        all the ethnic groups, with the high-  ence said.

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