Page 17 - The Indian EYE 093022
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 17

        not just in the field of medicine and
        technology,” she said.
            Senator Shelley Capito from
        West Virginia noted how the Indi-
        an American community is playing
        a  key  role  in enriching the cultur-
        al experience of her state. “I live in
        Charleston, West Virginia, a small
        rural state. If we did not have any
        Indian American doctors, we would
        not have any kind of quality health-
        care, we would not have the breadth
        and the depth and the richness of our
        communities that we have,” she said.
            India’s  Ambassador  to  the  US
        Hon. Taranjit Singh, in his keynote
        address said that there is a close con-
        nection  between  the  two  countries
        and today it is driven by the leader-
        ship of the two largest democracies of   human  endeavor,  driven  by  shared   private property, and believe in free   for the greater good of humanity.”
        the world. Indian American doctors   democratic values, convergence of   markets – have the potential to build   Indian American Congressman
        have an especially key role to play in   interests on a range of issues, and vi-  on shared values, he said. “India has   Ro Khanna from the California
        the India-US relationship, Sandhu   brant people-to-people contacts, he   a major role to play in world peace,   said, “US India relationship is more
        said. “India today is one of the fast-  said. Referring to the fact that within   stabilizing world,” he added.   critical than ever for the world.” He
        est-growing, major, emerging econo-  one month’s period, more than half   Rep. Michael Guest from Mis-  said, “India should not be subject to
        mies in the world,” he said. “We have   a dozen senior Indian Ministers are   sissippi’s 3rd Congressional District,   (CAATSA) sanctions because of its
        such  a  vibrant  and  dynamic  Indian   visiting the US and a similar visit   said, “We are so blessed to have you.   historic relationship with Russia.”
        American community represented    would happen from the US to India,   I want to thank you for coming to the   Praising the recent messaging of
        in this country. The success of the   he said. “This is a reflection of the   US from a great civilization.” Laud-  Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi  to
        Indian American community as pro-  relationship  between  India  and  the   ing the great contributions of AAPI   the Russian leadership, Khanna
        fessionals – doctors, technocrats, sci-  United States,” he pointed out.  fraternity, he said, “You reach out   said India can play a critical role in a
        entists and, entrepreneurs, has been   Congressman Joe Wilson, a    to when people are in crisis. You put   peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian
        an inspiration to many of us in India.   GOP lawmaker and co-chair of Indi-  yourself  in  arms  way  to  serve  your   conflict. He referred to Prime Minis-
        And today, support of this commu-  an Caucus in Congress, shared about   fellowmen, to serve others, especially   ter Narendra Modi, who met Vladi-
        nity is vital to us” in forging a much   his fond memories with India, going   during Covid.” Describing Indo-US   mir Putin last week on the sidelines
        stronger relationship with the US.  back to the days when his dad served   partnership as “strategic relation-  of the 22nd meeting of the Shanghai
            India and United States enjoy a   in India during the World War. India   ship” the Congressman said, “We   Cooperation Organization in Uz-
        comprehensive global strategic part-  and America – nations which respect   work together to protect freedom   bekistan’s Samarkand, had told the
        nership covering almost all areas of   individuals, freedom, human dignity,   and democracies. We work together   Russian leader that “today’s era is

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