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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                              SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          38

                           aFter 30 years, Guyanese

         diasPOra CraCKs Granite CeilinG

        Our Bureau

        New York

                 ith  the  release  of  pro-
                 posed  legislative  dis-
       Wtrict maps on Septem-
        ber  15th,  the  New  York  State
        Independent          Redistricting
        Commission demonstrated that
        they  had  heard  some  of  the
        demands  of  the  community  to
        keep  the  longstanding,  diverse
        and growing South Asian com-
        munity  in  the  neighborhoods
        of Richmond Hill, Ozone Park
        and South Ozone Park together,                                                                                ters’ maps. We believe this is a
        often referred to as Region 11,                                                                               great starting point and we will
        or Little Guyana.                                                                                             continue  to  amplify  the  needs
           “The  proposed  Assembly                                                                                   of our community of interest to
        map AL, really reflects the will of                                                                           ensure  that  the  final  lines  em-
        the community, and is compact                                                                                 power  our  historically  margin-
        and contiguous, and respects                                                                                  alized  people.  Overall,  the  pro-
        natural boundaries,” said Albert                                                                              posed Letter AL map is a huge
        Baldeo,  a  community  advocate                                                                               improvement from decades
        of the United Communities Al-                                                                                 past,  but  minor  tweaks  should
        liance.  Baldeo  was  referencing                                                                             be made. As a resident of South
        criteria  central  to  redistricting,                                                                         Ozone Park for most of my life, I
        keeping districts compact and                                                                                 know that small portions of our
        contiguous.                                                                                                   community of interest were left
           “For the past 30 years, over 3  road taken to get to this point.      nities of interest under the Vot- out of the map, and I would like
        redistricting cycles, we have been      “We  applaud  the  New  York  ing Rights Act whole.”                  to see this accounted for.”
        asking to keep our neighbor- State Independent Redistrict-                   Veteran  community  advo-            Garth Marchant of the South
        hoods together so we can have  ing Commission for listening to  cate  and  labor  activist,  Charles  Ozone Park, Richmond Hill and
        a true voice in government, and  the  gerrymandered  residents  (Chuck) Mohan, of the Guyana  Ozone  Park  United  for  Justice
        access resources for our commu- of South Queens in drawing an  American Workers Union, said,  and Empowerment organization
        nity,”  said  Baldeo.  “Until  now  Assembly  district  in  the  ‘Let- “We  look  forward  to  engaging  was also encouraged by the prog-
        our pleas were ignored, so this  ters’  maps  that  bring  Justice  this process further to make  ress made. “We will continue to
        is  a  landmark  development  for  for  Richmond  Hill,”  said  Mo- those  small  tweaks  to  map  AL  fight  to  keep  these  Assembly
        this  community.  Small  changes  hamed  Q.  Amin,  Founder  and  that really reflect neighborhood  lines, while asking for the State
        need to be made but overall, it is  Executive  Director,  Caribbean  identity.  Overall  our  advocacy  Senate lines to be reconfigured,
        a great start, and we feel that our  Equality  Project.  “For  the  first  was heard at the Assembly level,  to keep Richmond Hill whole.”
        voices are beginning to be heard.  time  in  decades,  the  marginal- particularly on behalf of the es-          Joshua  Harris  of  the  His-
        With a voice, we will be able to  ized Indo-Caribbean and South  sential  workers  who  abound  in  panic and South Asian Alliance
        impact decisions made in the  Asian communities of interest  our community here.”                             for Fair Redistricting in South
        American  diaspora,  as  well  as  of Richmond Hill, Ozone Park,             Aminta        Kilawan-Narine,  Queens, also complained about
        relations  between  Guyana  and  and South Ozone Park in Little  Esq.,  Founder  &  Director  of  the corresponding Senate Map
        the USA, such as the unconscio- Guyana and Little Punjab have  South Queens Women’s March  for what is now district 16. “Sen-
        nability of the oil contract with  an  opportunity  to  build  equita- and  Co-Founder  of  Sadhana:  ate maps K and P split the neigh-
        Exxon, maintain the democratic  ble political power. However, we  Coalition of Progressive Hindus  borhood in two and not even at
        process  in  Guyana,  right  down  are concerned about the Sena- said, “South Queens Women’s  the fringes, but right at the heart
        to issues such as lifting the ban of  torial district formulation, which  March is heartened to see that  of the community. This is a head
        importation of the gilbaka to the  further  politically  disenfranchis- our collective advocacy to keep  scratcher for the community. We
        US from Guyana.”                     es the voices of Richmond Hill.  Richmond Hill and South Ozone  respectfully request that the IRC
            The underlying theme was of  We encourage the Commission  Park whole has been centered in  keep Richmond Hill whole with
        community  unity  and  the  long  to keep these protected commu- the IDC’s first round of the ‘let- Ozone Park in the State Senate.”

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