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Business EYE                                                         SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          43

                                                                    Tech T@lk

                hP’s new 11-inch tablet                                                        apple lets users add

           comes with flipping webcam                                             Covid vaccination card to Wallet

                 P has announced a new                                                    merican tech giant Ap-
                 11-inch  tablet  that  ap-                                               ple  is  all  set  to  bring
        Hpears to be a more or                                                   Averifiable           COVID-19
        less direct competitor to Micro-                                         vaccination cards to Wallet ap-
        soft’s Surface Go with a couple                                          plication as part of a future iP-
        of interesting tricks.                                                   hone software update. Accord-
            According to The Verge, its                                          ing  to  TechCrunch,  the  latest
        13-megapixel  rear-facing  cam-                                          feature will take advantage of the
        era  can  flip  around  the  short  as well as charging, alongside a     international  SMART  Health
        edge of the display to work as  microSD card slot and a finger-          Cards standard (already in use in
        a  webcam,  which  HP  claims  print reader built into its power         several states) to produce proof  will be strict privacy for the us-
        is  a  first  for  a  tablet,  and  also  button. Internally, the tablet is   of vaccination, sign it with a pri- er’s data. Apple would not have
        makes it the highest resolution  available with an Intel Pentium         vate key and create a public key  any  access  to  the  imported  or
        front-facing  camera  to  boot.  Silver  N6000  processor,  4GB          to verify your information. Also,  shared records of the users, and
        It is also able to work with its  of RAM, and 128GB of NVMe              the just-released iOS 15 already  users have also been told that all
        keyboard  accessory  in  either  storage. Its modest specs mean          allows  users  to  store  verifiable  information  must  be  encrypted
        portrait  or  landscape  modes  that it is running Windows 11’s          vaccination  and  test  results  in  and it should be securely stored
        which  come  in  handy  since  in  lightweight  S  mode.  HP  plans      the Health app using the same  when  transferred  elsewhere.
        landscape  mode  its  webcam  is  to eventually sell the tablet both     standard. One will receive their         Apple  also  would  not  be
        on  the  wrong  edge  of  its  2160  with and without the keyboard       records through QR codes,  able to see vaccination cards or
        x  1440  IPS  display.  The  tablet  when it goes on sale in Decem-      downloadable  files  or  health- how the users have used them.
        also works with HP’s Tilt Pen,  ber,  as  per  The  Verge.  It  will     care  providers  who  use  Health  However, the company has not
        and there is a USB-C port for  start at USD 499 alone or USD             Records on iPhone. The compa- revealed when it will release the
        plugging  in  more  accessories  599 with the keyboard.                  ny has also promised that there  card update.

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