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The Indian Eye

         40                                                                                                                      SEPTEMBER 24, 2021

                                           toronto international film festiVal

               Paka was inspired by the mahabharata,

                                  says director nithin lukose

        renu Mehta                                                               1950s, just after India’s indepen- I  recollected  these  memories

        Toronto                                                                  dence,  there  was  migration  to  and made it into a film.
                                                                                 this place. Lot of people migrat-        Q.  What does the title - Paka
                ithin Lukos is the di-                                           ed from South to North for agri- - mean?  Why did you choose this
                rector  of  the  film  Paka                                       culture, for survival. For instance,  particular title for the film?
        N(River of Blood) that de-                                               my grandmother who is 85 years           Paka means vengeance in
        buted at the recent Toronto In-                                          old  still  remembers  lot  of  inci- Malayalam. That’s how I started.
        ternational Film Festival (TIFF)                                         dents that happened, how it was  The  title  Paka  came  from  the
        held  from  September  9  to  18,                                        difficult to survive.                Mahabharata,  from  Ashwatha-
        2021.  The film, produced by An-                                             The love story is part of the  ma who got a curse from Lord
        urag  Kashyap  and  Raj  Racha-                                          fiction. That is a cinematic thing  Krishna  that  he  will  wander  in
        konda,  had  its  world  premiere                                        that I added to the film, but fami- the world forever, he will never
        at the 46th edition of TIFF and  graduate and the sound designer  lies definitely used to have issues.  die. He is like a chiranjeevi (im-
        is an emotionally driven story of  of Thithi and Sandeep Aur Pin-            Q      Were the perpetrators  ac- mortal), he will be with human-
        two feuding families that live in  ky Faraar speaks about the film,  tually caught and did jail time?  ity  for  ever.  That’s  how  it  was

        Wayanad, North Kerala.  A riv- the title and the journey of the  In the film, you show one person -  formed as story.
        er through the village holds the  film from concept to completion.  Uncle Kochappan going to jail                 Q. How did you decide on the
        dark secrets of their dissension        Q. What inspired the film?           Kochappan’s character is in- conclusion of the film that implies
        while a young couple from the  How much of the story is based on  spired by someone who actually  that the feuding continues?
        opposing  families  attempts  to  true events?                           went to jail, but the incident hap-     We had different endings shot
        heal the wounds with their love         My  grandmother  is  a  great  pened some years back.  When  for the film.  The actual ending
        story.                               story  teller;  she  would  tell  me  he came back from jail, the other  was the one in which the killings
            The film was inspired by the  stories about dead bodies and  family was waiting for him and  stopped and it was happy. The
        stories told to Lukos by his 85- the  feuds.  Most  of  the  stories  the very next day when he landed,  ending  that  we  have  now  was
        year  old  grandmother  who  he  were  to  do  with  people’s  strug- they  killed  him.  This  character  actually a scene in the script, but
        says  is  an  excellent  story  teller,  gle  and  survival  and  how  they  was influenced by this memory.  when we edited, we changed the

        narrating the tales from the past  became  violent  after  fighting          Q.  The person who plays Jose  order. I think the scene towards
        that went on to influence the film- their fate, may be. And the com- who fishes the bodies out of the wa- the end is important because the
        maker to create his first feature.  munist Naxalism movement was  ter - is very distinctive.   Can you  feuding never ends.  When you
           “I had a fantastic team,” says  also taking place in Kerala.  I was  elaborate on his character?           look at humanity, at Homo sapi-
        Lukose who completed the film  influenced  by  many  things  and             The  man  Jose  who  takes  ens, it is never ending, it goes on
        with  mostly  first  time  actors  many are based on true events.  out the dead bodies from the  for ever. We never stop. And this
        and crew in 30 days.  “Raj and  The river is real, the happenings  river  is  real.    His  younger  son  is still going on in the world in
        I showed the first cut to Anurag  in the river are real. People used  is my classmate and we studied  the name of terrorism, violence
        Kashyap and he was really pos- to kill and dump the dead bodies  together in School. I remember  between  countries.  Our  whole
        itive about it and thought there  in the river.  I was also perhaps  him  as  a  young  boy  retrieving  life is like that – fighting against
        was potential.  Anurag knew this  influenced by the Mahabharata  a  dead  body.  My  father  was  a  somebody. That’s why the West
        was  very  personal  cinema  and  and Shakespeare too. I was not  police  officer  and  I  remember  is prosperous because they don’t
        he  wanted  to  support  filmmak- trying  to  make  a  Shakespear- he was also there but the police  want to fight any more because
        ers  who  make  such  films.  He  ean  drama,  but  eventually  it  or the firefighters don’t want to  they are done after going through
        also suggested many edit chang- happened like that.  In the Ma- get into the deeper trenches be- two World Wars. Europe is done
        es. After the second cut, we cut  habharata too, this existed – two  cause they don’t know the river  with  fighting  because  they  lost
        down  the  film  from  almost  2  families fighting each other. The  and it can be dangerous. So they  everything in the wars.  But the
        hours and to 1:40 hours.  Anurag  film is a combination of reality  used to call these local experts to  East is still confused and is trying
        really helped us and later came  and fiction.                             come  and  get  the  bodies.  Jose  to figure it out. This was the ba-
        on as a producer. ”                     Q. Did you personally know the  was someone who does that.  I  sic idea that was going on in my
            In  a  phone  interview  from  families that carried out the rivalry? also  had  a  distant  relative  who  mind when I decided on the con-
        India  with  Renu  Mehta,  de-          Many  families  had  rivalries.  died and his body was retrieved.  clusion because that’s the reality,
        but filmmaker Lukose, an FTII  This  was  happening  from  the  These memories were there and  that’s the truth.

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