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SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          36

        rent  market  context  and  said,  Some of the Indian Students present at the Welcome Reception with GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham, Am-
        “You’re either a fintech compa- bassador Randhir Kumar Jaiswal, Dy. Consul Varun Jeph, Consul Vipul Dev, GOPIO Manhattan EVP & Speaker
        ny or you don’t know it yet.” He  Professor Rajasekhar Vangapaty & GOPIO Manhattan Board Member & Program Coordinator Siddharth (Sid) Jain
        further  added,  “The  ability  to
        be a problem solver is a crucial
        skill that helps you in whatever
        you choose to work in.”
            Mr. Joe Simon, CIO at En-
        tain which is involved in Sports
        Betting, echoed the thoughts of
        the  speakers  and  added,  “Cul-
        tural  sensitivity  is  crucial.”  He
        further added that in order to
        succeed, one needs to be fair-
        ly convinced about what one is
        trying  to  do  and  that  the  two
        most underrated skills in corpo-
        rate America are patience and
            The second panel on F1 to
        H1B  via  OPT  was  moderated   Speakers and organizers at the ‘Meet & Greet’ for Students from India, From l. to r.: 1st Row:  Speaker Akshat
        by Mr. Aseem Trivedi, Manager  Singh, Speaker Apeksha Tewari, Speaker Ankit Chaudhari, GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham, Ambassador
        of Data Analytics at Ernst and  Randhir Kumar Jaiswal, Speaker Joe Simon, Dy. Consul Varun Jeph and Consul Vipul Dev. 2nd Row: Dr. Lisa
        Young.  He  shared  his  unique  George, Bhavya Gupta, Speaker Prasan Kumar, Speaker Aseem Trivedi, GOPIO Manhattan EVP & Session Chair
        path  to  Green  Card  as  an  ex- Professor Rajasekhar Vangapaty, Speaker Neil Datta, GOPIO Manhattan VP Vimal Goyle, GOPIO Manhattan Board
        perience  for  the  students.  He  Member & Program Coordinator Siddharth (Sid) Jain
        reminded the students “One
        should start thinking now what  and Lawyer, shared her person- ed the questions & answers ses- and we plan to do a much bigger
        after H1B?”                          al views to the students as part  sion  and  concluded  with  vote  event next year hopefully after
            Mr. Akshat Singh, a recent  of the panel said, “Now that you  of thanks to Chief Guest/Host  the Covid restrictions are over,”
        economics  graduate  of  Colum- are here, outside of your studies,  Ambassador Shri Randhir Ku- Dr. Abraham added.
        bia University brought his expe- you need to network with your  mar  Jaiswal,  Dy.  Consul  Shri                  In  accordance  with  its  mis-
        rience with Students and shared  professors,  peers,  everyone  &  Varun Jeph, Consul for Political,  sion  to  serve  the  larger  soci-
        the idea “Get started on OTP  communication  is  the  key,  ask  Education and Culture Shri Vi- ety  and  those  in  need,  GO-
        process asap and do not wait for  for things.”                           pul Dev, Consul for Community  PIO-Manhattan Chapter has
        6-months or so.”                        Mr.  Shivender  Sofat,  Presi- Affairs  Shri  A.  K.  Vijayakrish- taken  several  initiatives  in
            Mr. Ankit Chaudhari, Asso- dent  GOPIO-Manhattan,  who  nan  and  the  consulate  staff.  the  recent  past.  A  Communi-
        ciate Vice President at JP Mor- joined virtually told the impor- Other GOPIO-Manhattan of- ty Feeding is organized by the
        gan Chase commented about  tance of mentoring to the stu- ficials  present  at  the  meeting  Chapter providing   vegan or
        his personal journey from F1 to  dents, discussed chapter activi- included Vice President Vimal  vegetarian lunch for the home-
        OPT  to  H1-B  to  Green  Card  ties and motivated everyone to  Goyle,  and  Co-Secretaries  Dr.  less  and  needy  at  Tomkins
        and suggested students “ask  volunteer  and  become  mem- Lisa George and Bhavya Gupta.  Square  Park  in  Manhattan  on
        your  employer  whether  they  bers  at  future  events  held  by           “The  students  had  an  excel- the last Monday of every month.
        will  sponsor  your  visa  or  not,  GOPIO Manhattan.                    lent  time  networking  with  stu- The chapter appeals to the com-
        but you give your best services.”       Mr. Siddharth Jain, GOPIO  dents from different universities  munity to support the initiative
            Ms. Apeksha Tewari, Master  Manhattan  Board  Member  &  as well as with speakers and the  by  being  a  volunteer  and/or  a
        of Laws from Penn State Law  Program Coordinator; conduct- Consulate and GOPIO officials  sponsor.

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