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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                              SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          34

                                  GoPio manhattan organizes

           ‘meet & Greet’ for students from india at

                              the new york indian Consulate

                                                                                                                      toring students in the current
        Our Bureau                                                                                                    market environment and added
                                                                                                                      his learnings to the students us-
        New York, NY                                                                                                  ing his unique perspective as a

              he     GOPIO-Manhattan                                                                                  Registrar of Fashion Institute of
              (NYC) in cooperation                                                                                    Technology, the MIT of Fashion.
       Twith  Consulate  General                                                                                      There were four panelists in this
        of India in New York organized                                                                                session who are asked to com-
        the  ‘Meet  &  Greet’  for  Stu-                                                                              ment on several questions.
        dents from India studying in the                                                                                  Ms. Abha Kumar, Business
        Northeast to connect them to                                                                                  transformation  leader/  Board
        the  community  and  providing                                                                                member  Advisory
        mentoring opportunities as well                                                                               Board Shopelier, Former CIO-
        as  to  raise  awareness  of  Con-                                                                            Corporate & International Van-
        sular services to students from                                                                               guard,  shared  her  experiences
        the Indian Consulate. Students                                                                                with the students and said, “The
        from  21  universities,  mostly                                                                               way we worked in the past will
        from the Northeast participated             Randhir Kumar Jaiswal, Consul General of India in New York,       not  be  relevant  post-COVID…
        in person or virtually.                                       inaugurating the event                          we now will look for employees
            The chief guest/host for the                                                                              who have the ability to have a
        evening Ambassador Randhir                                                                                    wide  perspective  and  connect
        Kumar  Jaiswal,  commented,                                                                                   the dots.”
        “Welcome  to  all  the  students                                                                                  Ms.  Kumar  further  added
        from India with open heart as                                                                                 that  students  should  master
        you  pursue  your  future  stud-                                                                              the technology component; the
        ies here in the North-East re-                                                                                companies also look for certain
        gion and help in the growth of                                                                                emotional  intelligence  when
        economy here in USA and back                                                                                  they  hire.  Lastly,  in  corporate
        home in India.”                                                                                               America,  your  work  doesn’t
            He  further  highlighted  the                                                                             speak  for  you,  you  need  to
        goal  to  expand  this  program                                                                               speak for yourself.
        to include more students, from                                                                                    Mr.  Prasan  Kumar,  Se-
        the  pool  of  200,000  students                                                                              nior VP & Strategy Director at
        that come to the USA for fur-                                                                                 Publicis  Group  &  Lecturer  at
        ther studies, to attend in person  Taranjit Singh Sandhu, Ambassador of India to the United States, welcom-   Glasgow Caledonian New York
        more interactive sessions and                              ing the Students from India.                       College  added  “When  you’re
        gain  exposure  to  various  ser-                                                                             in  a  classroom,  experiment  as
        vices offered by the Consulate  tial  in  our  bilateral  relations.  speakers to mentor, motivate  much as you can.” He elaborat-
        for the benefit of the students  During my visits across US, I’ve  and guide the students.                    ed, “bringing more than a text
        from registration at the Con- always  made  it  a  point  to  vis-           Dr.  Abraham  said,  “In  the  book  education  is  significantly
        sular Portal, to cultural events  it  universities  and  visit  faculty  1960s  and  ‘70s  when  a  foreign  important,  get  your  perspec-
        to mental health support initia- and students there.” He further  student joined a university, he/ tive as per your interest, helps
        tives.                               added “We have an active stu- she was given host family, now  you  being  a  problem  solver
            Ambassador Taranjit Singh  dent hub and a dedicated stu- with connected world and social  and think long-term for career
        Sandhu, via a video message  dent wing at the Embassy. You  media, the host family concept  choice  reflecting  from  his  per-
        welcomed  the  students  from  can count on them for any assis- went  away  and  the  4.5  million  sonal  experience  of  moving  4
        India and commented “Indian  tance.”                                     Indian  Americans  could  serve  careers in 2 decades from IT to
        Students continue to be a strong        The program started with a  as  the  host  family  to  the  new  advertising now.”
        bridge between India and USA.  welcome  by  GOPIO  Interna- students.”                                            Mr.  Neil  Datta,  Head  of
        Delighted  to  welcome  the  stu- tional  Chairman  Dr.  Thomas              GOPIO-Manhattan          Exec- Due Diligence at Forbes Fami-
        dents virtually!  The education  Abraham, who also serves as an  utive  Vice  President  Professor  ly Trust & Co-Founder Meritas
        and knowledge partnership are  advisor  to  GOPIO-Manhattan.  Rajasekhar  Vangapaty  mod- provided insights in the cur-
        an area that holds great poten- Dr.  Abraham  encouraged  the  erated  the  first  panel  on  men-               Continued on next page... >>

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