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WELLNESS SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 | The Indian Eye 34
5 tips to Relieve Your Neck Pain: Naturally
Dynamic Physical Therapy Services
43-43 Kissena Blvd., Suite 110
Flushing, NY 11355
eck Pain can range from
a minor stiffness in the
about Dr Nilesh soni Nneck muscles to excruci-
ating ache radiating down from
Dr Nilesh Soni has been a clini- the neck to your arm, interfering
cian for the past 30 years and is with your daily activities, such at
one of the leading industry experts the ability to dress, concentrate
in the field of Physical Therapy in or sleep.
New York. Dr Soni founded Dy-
namic Physical Therapy Services What happens when you
in 2003. His credentials include have Neck Problems?
Doctorate of Physical Therapy Chronic Neck Pain can lead
from MGH Institute Of Health to significant loss of range of mo- ing your habitual use of the spine apy along with use of Physical
Sciences, Masters in Physical tion in your cervical spine, mus- and a good physical examina- Modalities such as the Clinical
Therapy from New York Univer- cle weakness, pins and needle tion. If need be your doctor can Ultrasound and Interferential
sity, another Masters in Physical running the arm to your hand, order x rays, MRI, CT scan. Current Therapy. At Dynamic
Therapy from University of Bom- altered movements , loss of Physical Therapy, we use ad-
bay, India , and he is a Board ability to grasp and manipulate What about Physical vanced diagnostics such as the
Certified Geriatric Clinical Spe- household objects, loss of other therapy? Electromyography (EMG) and
cialist by the American Physical functions and sleep disturbance. Physical Therapy is the most Neuro Musculoskeletal Ultra-
Therapy Association. conservative approach of resolv- sound to quantify the scope and
Dr Soni has mentored hundreds When to seek help from the ing your neck pain wherein the severity of your neck issues so
of Physical Therapists and has professionals? treatments are conducted with that you can receive highly effi-
conducted over 1000 lectures to Neck injury resulting from a natural means such as exercis- cient treatment plans just made
educate community dwelling old- motor vehicular accident or any es, stretches and manual ther- for your individual condition.
er adults. At Dynamic Physical other trauma, obviously needs
Therapy, Dr Soni has implement- urgent attention. However, con- 5 tiPs to heal mY NeCk NatURallY:
ed innovative programs such as sider going to a Physical Thera-
the Neck Spine Rehabilitation pist if you have neck pain orig- 1. Learn what is normal and
Program and hands-on treatment inating insidiously in absence of good posture for your spine
protocols focused on myofascial trauma and lasting more than 2. Simple neck stretches can help
release procedures for pain man- 3-5 days in spite of rest and you relieve the stresses caused
agement. Outside of his work, Dr household measures such as hot by repeated forward reaching
Soni enjoys playing various sports, water shower and application of activities done throughout the
travelling and photography. topical pain ointment. day.
Other indications are unex- 3. Lifestyle change such as fre-
You can contact at : plained loss of strength in arm quent changes in posture
718 395 2393 and/or hand, pins and needles during work and avoiding pro-
on your spine.
or email at: like sensation travelling from longed sitting can contribute 5. In cases of moderate to se-
positively towards your spine
neck to arm or difficulty moving
[email protected] the neck freely. health. vere neck pain, temporary use
4. Ergonomic evaluation and of an appropriate neck brace
or visit website at: how is Neck Pain assessed subtle changes to your work can relieve pressure and make nowadays? gears and /or furniture can those sore muscles work less
It all begins with understand- minimize the physical stress and heal faster.
www.TheIndianEYE .com