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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                              SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          30

                                           toRoNto iNteRNatioNal film festival

        paka - a tale of revenge between two warring families

        reNu mehta                                                                                                    ily feuds and started writing the

        Toronto                                                                                                       story for my first film, and that’s
                                                                                                                      how ‘PAKA (River of Blood)’
              AKA,  the  debut  film  of                                                                              shaped  into  a  feature  film.”
              Nithin Lukos, is a tale set                                                                                The majority of the cast in
        Pin Kerala, a story of two                                                                                    the films have had no previous
        feuding families and a young                                                                                  acting experience.
        couple that tries to overcome                                                                                    “We shot it and treated it as
        this animosity with their love.                                                                               an  independent  film  in  which
        The river is witness to the gen-                                                                              90% of the actors are non-ac-
        erations old bloody cycle of ven-                                                                             tors from the village and we
        geance between the two feuding                                                                                had  a  film  school  crew  mostly
        families.   The young couple  land and wealth which resulted  dangerous river near my place,  from my alma mater Film and
        from the warring families,  John- in the family feud while a large  notorious for its deep trench- TV Institute of India. I aspire to
        ny and Anna, try their best to  number of the population mi- es. Floods, accidents and mur- tell stories that not only repre-
        patch up the two families with  grated from the south to the  ders have pushed people and  sent and reflect the culture and
        their love saga, but the hatred  north of Kerala in the 1950s. In  dead-bodies into the river which  space I belong to and are also
        within their families is never  this film, a family feud resurges  only one man in the village can  universal.”
        ending.   The return of Johnny’s  from the past when someone  retrieve. He is a middle-aged                       Co-produced by Anurag
        uncle Kocheppu from jail and  comes back from jail after life  man named Jose, an outstand- Kashyap, the film was presented
        his subsequent disappearance  imprisonment.”                             ing swimmer who knows the riv- at the 46th edition of the Toron-
        becomes a hurdle in their path          With each generation thirst- er in and out. He is the one who  to International Film Festival
        of love and forces them onto  ing for revenge, writer-director  takes out the dead bodies from  (TIFF) that features ten days
        the path of blood, murder, and  Lukose infuses his feature debut  the river. I grew up seeing this  of international and Canadian
        revenge.                             with rich Keralite oral tradition  and I shaped the story of the film  cinema with close to 200 films
           “I grew up listening to stories  from his own childhood.              from my memories. I connect- in its Official Selection, events
        told by my grandmother”, says           “I always wanted to make my  ed such unique aspects of my  featuring acclaimed industry
        Lukose. “These were stories of  first  Film  in  Wayanad  where  I  hometown to the stories which  guests, and TIFF’s  Industry
        migration,  survival,  fights  for  grew up,” he says.  “There is a  my grandmother told about fam- Conference.

                      Comala – a true tale told by Gian Cassini

        reNu mehta                                                                                        search of clues, the filmmaker uncovers a
        Toronto                                                                                           complex system, where men stuck within
                                                                                                          deeply-rooted patterns of machismo, are
                omala is the true story of Director                                                       stuck.    The  documentary  offers  unprece-
                Gian  Cassini  who  sets  out  to  find                                                   dented  access  into  the  personal  ramifica-
        Cthe truth of his own family.    Grow-                                                            tions of Mexico’s War on Drugs.
        ing up as the only child of a single mother                                                           The story is a quest for personal truth,
        in Monterrey in Mexico, Cassini sets out to                                                       says Cassini.
        uncover the truth of his own father and in                                                           “Comala is the catharsis I had been
        the process uncovers a lot of truths about  the conviction that by way of my own fam-             looking for in order to find my own iden-
        his own broken family.   , As he journeys        ily history — still reeling from my father’s  tity,” he says.  “Through the unique access
        across the country, he uncovers the tale of  death— I could portray the root problems             to the assembly of fascinating characters
        his absent father as a failed hitman who  that  affect  many  Mexicans  as  we  endure  that are the men and women of my family,
        was murdered in a Mexican border town.           the devastation brought on by our country’s  I am able to lift the veil on a micro universe
            Cassini was inspired by Mexican writer  war against drug trafficking,” says Cassini.          that represents the thousands of Mexican
        Juan Rulfo’s famous book - Pedro Paramo              One family member at a time, Cassini         households of different socioeconomic sta-
        – and identified with many of the characters     puts together the puzzle pieces that form  tuses linked by and to criminal activity. I do
        in the book.                                     an image of his late father — El Jimmy, a  this without glamor or sensationalism, but
           “I recognized myself and each of my           small-time  hitman  and  drug  trafficker  in  with empathy and strong emotional energy.”
        own  relatives  as characters  of the novel.  Tijuana — allowing him, and the rest of his             Comala is presented at the 46th Toron-
        Inspired by this encounter, I decided to  family, to make sense of the man that made  to International Film Festival (TIFF) that
        embark on what today is my debut feature:  them who they are.  As he travels through  takes place in Toronto in September every
        the documentary Comala. I worked from  Mexico, Cuba and San Antonio in Texas in  year.

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