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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 | The Indian Eye 33
trailer of New dance documentary
unveiled for packed dC audience
Our Bureau
New York, NY
documentary film by
CLeslie Shampaine and
Pip Gilmour, had its official
trailer launch, hosted by Me-
ridian International Center in
Washington, DC, on Wednes-
day evening. More than 80
people filled the room to hear
lead protagonist and Indian
ballet dancer, Manish Chauhan,
reveal his inspirational story
about pursuing the arts profes-
sionally despite growing up in
the slums, accompanied by di-
rector Shampaine, Executive
Producer Jitin Hingorani and
moderator/host Rina Shah. The
conversation was followed by an
intimate, contemporary dance
performance by Chauhan, cho-
reographed by Lucy Bowen
McCauley and accompanied on
tabla by Broto Roy. Chauhan’s
U.S. solo debut will take place
at the Kennedy Center on Sep-
tember 14, 2021, which will also
be filmed as the climactic end of
the documentary (release date
January 2022).
“Meridian is committed to
highlighting the important ties
between the United States and
India through meaningful cul-
tural engagements like this Call
Me Dancer film discussion and
performance,” said Terry Har-
vey, Vice President for Merid-
ian’s Center for Cultural Di-
plomacy. “We believe dance is
a powerful tool of diplomacy ative Officer, Special Projects, it is not a figment of imagina- miracles.”
to connect people around the Zee Entertainment Enterpris- tion, but true to life. It explores Film Synopsis: When a hip-
world and facilitate cross-cul- es Ltd. (ZEEL): “CALL ME emotions of hope, heartache hop dancer accidentally walks
tural understanding through DANCER is about artistic as- and sheer perseverance that are into a ballet class in Mumbai,
cultural exchange.” sertion against all odds. It is universally known and felt, and his world opens up, and a pas-
The dance documentary is about pursuing your dreams, that’s what has brought us onto sion is born. The tough ballet
aiming for a January 2022 film even when reality seems over- this journey. We are humbled master recognizes his talent and
festival world premiere. It is a pro- whelmingly harsh. We all need to be a part of this story which dares him to fulfill his dreams of
duction of Zee Entertainment uplifting stories, hope and mo- narrates how passion, fate, ser- dancing professionally -- giving
and a co-production of ARTE. tivation, and this docu-film is endipity and multiple strands of him the courage to defy family,
Shailja Kejriwal, Chief Cre- all the more inspiring because creativity can coalesce to create culture and poverty.
www.TheIndianEYE .com