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Business EYE                                                         SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          37

                                                                    Tech T@lk

             iPhone se with 256Gb of storage no                                     Xiaomi announces 11-inch Pad 5 tablet

                 longer available on apple store                                         hinese smartphone mak-
                                                                                         er Xiaomi is returning
                 ours after launching its                                        Cto Android tablets with
                 much-awaited  iPhone                                            the 11-inch Pad 5 after a few
        Hseries, Apple has dis-                                                  years. As per The Verge, the
        continued the iPhone SE with                                             smartphone company recently
        256GB of storage on Apple                                                announced the Xiaomi Pad 5 af-
        Store. However, the 64GB and                                             ter the last 8-inch Mi Pad 4, the
        128GB  variants  are  still  avail-                                      company launched in 2018. The  sis, but the inspiration is clear,”
        able. As per Mashable India,                                             Xiaomi Pad 5 which is launch- as per The Verge. The gadget’s
        the  second  generation  of  the                                         ing in the company’s Europe- screen and speaker quality are
        iPhone SE launched in 2020 is                                            an markets is an 11-inch tablet  both good. Xiaomi product
        currently only available with                                            with a WQHD+ 120Hz display,  marketing head Abi Go told
        64GB or 128GB of storage  still buy the model from third                 quad speakers, 6GB of RAM,  The Verge that the company
        memory; a change that has like- party retailers.                         and a Snapdragon 860 processor  thinks of the Pad 5 as a “porta-
        ly happened after the iPhone 13         Apple iPhone SE (2020)           which is the new speed-bumped  ble  workstation”  as  well  as  an
        launch event Tuesday. Among  comes with a 4.7-inch Retina                version of the 855, Qualcomm’s  entertainment device, and there
        other available old models like  HD (750x1,334 pixels) IPS LCD           flagship chip from 2019. The tab  will be stylus and keyboard ac-
        the  iPhone 12,  the iPhone 12  display. It features Apple’s A13         has a 13-megapixel rear camera  cessories in some markets. Re-
        mini, and the iPhone 11; Apple  Bionic chip. On the rear, the            and an 8-megapixel sensor on  portedly, the cost for a 128GB
        still lists the iPhone SE in its on- phone has a 12-megapixel cam-       the front. As per The Verge,  version tablet would be Euro
        line store.                          era with Optical Image Stabili-     the new gadget looks  like an  349 (USD 413), or Euro 399
            Reportedly, the company  sation (OIS) with 4K 60fps video            iPad Pro. It has slim bezels and  (USD 472) for 256GB. Xiaomi
        might be ramping down produc- recording  capability.  The  cam-          flat edges to the tablet-specific  has  not  announced  a  specific
        tion of the iPhone SE 256GB  era also allows you to capture              MIUI customizations like the  release date for the Pad 5, yet
        due to the over competitive fac- portraits and supports Smart            apps dock. “The build isn’t as  but has teased that the device’s
        tor with some other models.          HDR. There is a 7-megapixel         solid, and the screen doesn’t  launch will vary by region, ac-
            On a related note, users can  front camera for selfies.              quite sit as flush with the chas- cording to The Verge.

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