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Entertainment EYE SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 | The Indian Eye 38
Why is income tax Dept surveying
sonu sood’s business and properties?
Our Bureau
n a shocking development
this week, the Income Tax
IDepartment conducted a
survey at premises in Mumbai
linked to Bollywood actor Sonu
Sood. During the Covid-19 pan-
demic, Sood stepped forward
to help all those who reached
out to him and was widely rec-
ognised for his humanitarian
work. The actor’s Sood Char-
ity Foundation has been help- The actor offers prayers on the oc-
ing thousands of deserving stu- casion of Ganesh Chaturthi festival
dents achieve their educational at his residence last Friday (ANI)
and professional goals, whether
through financial assistance or Pal, Producer Subhash Dawar,
through its efforts to prepare stu- Ashok Hadiya and other music
dents for a professional career. celebrities were present for the
Sources said the IT depart- song launch and gave a thumbs
ment is looking into a land deal up for the song. Arun Kumar
between Sood’s firm and a real Sonu Sood showing a copy of his biography 'I Am No Messiah' Nikam has given the lyrics to
estate company in Lucknow at a book shop in Mumbai this song. He is the singer and
following complaints of alleged video director of the song, while
tax evasion. a crime for him to help those tigation is being carried out.” music has been composed by
Reacting to the survey, Aam in difficulty?” Atishi tweeted. He further said, “Everyone Gaurav Kumar. When asked
Aadmi Party (AAP) Spokes- On August 27 Sonu Sood knows this that people should about his journey, he stated,
person Raghav Chadha said was appointed as the brand am- pay their tax and if there is tax “The idea for the song came to
that this is nothing but a “witch bassador of the Delhi govern- evasion, then it is a crime, wheth- me instantly when I was wait-
hunt” by an insecure govern- ment’s ‘Desh Ke Mentors’ pro- er he is a common man or a ce- ing for a chance to meet Sonu
ment against a giant philanthro- gram. The ‘Desh Ke Mentors’ is lebrity. In such cases, internal in- Sood during the coronavirus
pist. “This is nothing but a witch a programme where the men- vestigation happens. But no one outbreak.” After the recording
hunt by an insecure government tors will take out ten minutes ev- needs to panic if they are right.” of the song, Nikam met Sonu
against a giant philanthropist ery week to guide the students. Meanwhile, extending his Sood and received a green sig-
considered a ‘messiah’ by mil- But referring to the Income support to the actor, Delhi nal from him.
lions. His only crime is that he Tax raids on the residence of the Chief Minister Arvind Kejriw- On the song’s release, Arun
worked for the welfare of the actor, Union Minister of State al today in a tweet said, “There said, “I am grateful to my pro-
downtrodden when they were for Housing and Urban Affairs are millions of difficulties on the ducers who pitched in and made
orphaned by the state,” Raghav Kaushal Kishore on Thursday way to truth, but truth always this happen. I’d like to express my
Chadha tweeted. said that the law is equal for all, wins. With @SonuSood ji, there gratitude to Anup Ji for attend-
Commenting on the same, adding that if the person is right are prayers of lakhs of families ing the song launch. This song
AAP MLA Atishi asked if it then he should not be afraid of of India who got Sonu ji’s sup- is special for me. It’s my way of
was a crime for him to help such an investigation. Kishore’s port in difficult times.” paying tribute to Sonu Sood Ji,
those in difficulty. “The ‘sur- remarks came after the IT de- In another development who proved to be a true hero for
vey’ of actor-and-philanthro- partment conducted surveys showing the popularity of the common people amid the coro-
pist @SonuSood by the IT at six premises linked to actor actor, a journey from the vege- navirus pandemic. The major
Dept is a clear message by BJP Sonu Sood in Mumbai. table seller to Bollywood singer goal of the release is to reach as
that they will victimise anyone Addressing reporters today, Arun Kumar Nikam’s song “Dil many people as possible. If the
who does good work for the Kishore said, “The law is equal Se Hain Salaam’’ was launched song receives positive feedback
country? Was it a crime for @ for all, whoever it is. So, if the by Bhajan singer Anup Jalota. from the audience, my efforts
SonuSood to help migrants person is right then there should The song is a tribute to actor will be rewarded, and doors to
during the lockdown? Was it be no problem if such an inves- Sonu Sood. Comedian Sunil the industry may open for me.”
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