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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 35

                              JAGDISH TRIVEDI                               ciation Minority Affairs Committee

               Chicago seniors help raise                                   and the American Heart Association
                                                                            Stroke Emergency Care Committee.
                                                                                Sharma will succeed Dr. David
               $50,000 for Umang School                                     Liebeskind, MD, who directed the
                                                                            Comprehensive Stroke Center for
                                                                            the past six years. Liebeskind will
                                                                            continue to work in the stroke center
                                                                            through leading the Vascular Neu-
                                                                            rology Fellowship, clinical care and
                                                                                Founded in 1995, the Compre-
                                                                            hensive Stroke Center is recognized
                                                                            as a world-leading center for manag-
                                                                            ing cerebral vascular disease.

                                                                                                    PRADEEP LALL

                                                                                    Auburn University names

                                                                                 professor to lead its institute

               n August 18, Bharatiya Senior Citizens of Chicago hosted a program
               featuring legendary comedian Jagdish Trivedi at the Rana Regan Cen-
        Oter in Carol Stream. At the beginning of the program, BSC president
        Haribhai Patel welcomed artist Jagdishbhai Trivedi with garland. Then, all the
        members stood up to mark the untimely death of the member of the orga-
        nization, Shri Rajendrabhai Anjaria, and observed a two-minute silence and
        prayed for the eternal peace of departed soul. On the occasion, President of the
        organization provided details about the life history of Rajendrabhai Anjaria.
            Post that, on the occasion of India’s 78th Independence Day, Jagdish
        Trivedi celebrated by singing Independence Day special songs.

                                                                                  uburn University as part of its seminal research on semiconductor pack-
        In a remarkable gesture, Jagdish Trivedi then introduced a deaf-         aging has recently established a new state of the art Auburn University
        mute child through a video which helped to collect 50,000 dollars   AElectronics Packaging Research Institute (EPRI). This establishment
                                                                            marks a significant shift from the semiconductor packaging research conduct-
        in just half an hour upon request by Jagdishbhai. Navinbhai Dhola-  ed through Auburn’s Center of Advanced Vehicle and Extreme Environment

        kia and Madarsang Chavda, executive members of the organiza-        Electronics, or CAVE3, since 1999 focusing primarily on automotive electronics.
                                                                                Pradeep Lall, John and Anne MacFarlane Endowed Distinguished Pro-
        tion, with great courage worked to make this program a success.     fessor and Alumni Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering
                                                                            will be leading the EPRI as director.
            The program ended with a sumptuous dinner.                         “Our need for domestic capability in manufacturing, research and devel-
                                                                            opment for semiconductor packaging has really entered the national con-
                                                                            versation recently with the recent establishment of the National Advanced
                              LATISHA SHARMA                                Packaging Manufacturing Program (NAPMP) under the Creating Helpful

                         Doctor is named                                    Incentives to Produce Semiconductors — or CHIPS — Act,” Lall said.
                                                                                In June 2021, the White House identified semiconductor manufacturing
                                                                            and advanced packaging on top of the list of four key product areas of vul-
            UCLA Comprehensive Stroke                                       nerability. As the U.S. global share of semiconductor production has dropped
                                                                            from 37 percent in 1990 to only 12 percent today.
                                                                               “In this current environment, we’re realizing the criticality of electronics
                            Center’s chief                                  in general and semiconductor packaging in particular for securing the supply
                                                                            chain and enabling advanced system functionality both in the U.S. and Eu-
        T     MD, as the new director of the UCLA Comprehensive Stroke Center.   rope,” Lall said.
              he UCLA Department of Neurology has appointed Dr. Latisha Sharma,
                                                                                Led by Lall, Auburn’s work along this strategic thinking has grown expo-
                 Sharma, a professor of Neurology at UCLA, holds several pro-
        gram appointments including director of the UCLA TeleStroke Program and   nentially over the past decade.
                                                                               “Growing CAVE3 into the Auburn University Electronics Packaging Re-
        associate director of the Vascular Neurology Residency Program. Sharma is   search Institute was the logical next step for our activities in this important
        also co-chair of the Los Angeles Stroke Society and serves on the National   area of research,” said Dean of Engineering Mario Eden.
        Institutes  of  Health  Stroke  Prevention  Workgroup,  American  Heart  Asso-                               Continued on next page... >>

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