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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 32

                Mukesh Modi announces the release

                 of Psychological Thriller “TORN” on

                              Amazon Prime in USA & UK

                 ukesh Modi has an-
                 nounced to release a
        MHollywood psychological
        thriller “Torn,” produced by him un-
        der the D Star Entertainment ban-
        ner and in collaboration with Manoj
        Narula of Ashwin Films. It is gener-
        ating buzz with its release on Am-
        azon Prime Video in the USA and
        UK. Directed by the talented Ryen
        William Thomans, this gripping film
        is now available for streaming, capti-
        vating audiences with its intense and
        suspenseful storyline.

        TORN directed by Ryen William

        Thomas’ third feature film,
        produced by Mukesh Modi of D
        Star Entertainment with Manoj
        Narula of Ashwin Films.

            Produced by D Star Entertain-
        ment’s  Mukesh  Modi  and  Ashwin
        film’s  Manoj  Narula,  TORN  fol-
        lows a troubled father, Peter Stube
        (Jordon  Alexander),  who has  pur-
        posefully chosen the small Appala-
        chian town of Bilford for its isolated                                                                masterfully weaves a cautionary tale
        location, so he can disconnect and                                                                    of a man captivated by conspiracy
        self-heal from the wounds of his                                                                      and ultimately unable to determine
        past.  Confining  himself  within  the                                                                the difference between reality and
        four walls of a small hunting cabin                                                                   fantasy.   The psychological drama
        forces  him  to  reflect  on  his  former                                                             will keep the audience engaged long
        life, but without the proper therapy,                                                                 after the credits roll as they discuss
        he ends up berating himself for his                                                                   various theories of what is and isn’t
        downward spiral.                                                                                      real.
            Unfortunately for Peter, Bil-                                                                         Not only starring as Peter Stube,
        ford is dealing with some turmoil                                                                     Jordon Alexander also co-wrote
        of it’s own. Previously, the nearby                                                                   with  first  time  screenwriter  Benja-
        wolf population was only known for                                                                    min Johnston.  A tale 10 years in the
        inspiring some werewolf lore, but                                                                     making started taking shape during
        now with a dwindling food source                                                                      lunch breaks from their previous
        the wolves have encroached on the                                                                     career as underwriters for an inter-
        townsfolk’s livestock and livelihood,                                                                 nationally known insurance compa-
        inspiring panic and fear. Without                                                                     ny.  Jordon Alexander and Alfonso
        hunters renting out mountain prop-                                                                    René Freeman star alongside reality
        erties, eating in the diners or shop-                                                                 star Hunter Thore, John Romanski,
        ping on Main Street, the blame for                                                                    Paula Lacewell, Danielle Tarmey,
        the sudden decline of the town rests   but are continuously faced with pre-  al downward spiral but it won’t stop   and Danny
        on the broad shoulders of Sheriff   vious mistakes.   Their friendship,   the Sheriff from genuinely wanting   Jordon  Alexander,  Alfonso
        Mike Lewis.                       born out of deceit and distrust may   to ensure Peter’s well-being.   René Freeman, Hunter Thore, John
            Both men use each other as    not  survive  Peter’s  obsession  with   TORN is director Ryen William   Romanski, Paula Lacewell, Danielle
        they aim to set their lives straight,   the local werewolf lore and eventu-  Thomas’  third  feature  film  and  he   Tarmey, and Danny.

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