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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 30

            Mayor Adams Launches Major Step

         to put the “Park” Back in Park Avenue

         City Releases RFP to Redesign Park Avenue Between East 46th Street and East

                           57th Street, as Greener, Safer, More Welcoming Corridor

        OUR BREAU

        NEW YORK, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric Adams and New
              York City Department of Transportation
        N(DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez
        have announced a major step to put the park back
        in Park Avenue between East 46th Street and East
        57th Street by adding greenery, public seating, con-
        cessions, and safer crossings for pedestrians. The
        city released an RFP today to help develop a cohe-
        sive design vision for that portion of Park Avenue,
        which sits atop the Grand Central Terminal Train
        Shed — currently undergoing a major capital reha-
        bilitation by the Metropolitan Transportation Au-
        thority (MTA)’s Metro-North Railroad. This effort
        comes as the city continues to advance its vision to
        permanently reimagine Fifth Avenue as a safer, less
        congested, pedestrian-centered boulevard, as well
        as other public realm projects in commercial corri-
        dors across the city.
           “High-quality public spaces aren’t just a luxury
        — they’re a necessity, and they’re a vital component
        of our vision to revitalize commercial corridors like   project along Park Avenue — one of the world’s   forward to continuing to partner with DOT and the
        Midtown and build a safer, more affordable, better   great thoroughfares — exemplifies the bright future   East Midtown Governing Group to implement pos-
        city for all New Yorkers,” said Mayor Adams. “Our   for Midtown Manhattan by bringing beautiful open   itive upgrades to this community.”
        ambitious project will ensure that as the MTA com-  space, housing, and culture next to modern offices.”  “Collaborating with sister agencies to enhance
        pletes its underground structural work, the Park Av-  “We’re putting the ‘park’ back in Park Avenue!   our green spaces is a cornerstone of our commit-
        enue that goes back on top will be better than ever,  This project will transform this iconic stretch of   ment to New Yorkers. This synergy allows us to cre-
        with more space for people to enjoy the greatest city   Manhattan’s Park Avenue by adding greenery and   ate vibrant, accessible environments that enrich the
        in the world.”                                making important safety improvements. The Ad-  lives of all residents, promote community well-be-
           “We are seizing the opportunity to make trans-  ams administration continues to reimagine public   ing, and sustain the natural beauty of our city,” said
        formative changes to ensure New York City is the   space  in  record  ways,”  said  DOT  Commissioner   New York City Department of Parks and Recre-
        place where people want to be,” said First Deputy   Rodriguez. “This street redesign is a key piece of a   ation Commissioner Sue Donoghue. “Reimagining
        Mayor Sheena Wright. “The Park Avenue redesign   new vision for East Midtown, and we look forward   Park Avenue builds on this administration’s efforts
        exemplifies investments we are making not only to   to identifying a partner to make this vision a reality.”  to enhance public safety, promote sustainable trans-
        enhance our public realm but to help reshape busi-  “The East Midtown Rezoning continues to de-  portation, and develop exceptional public spaces in
        ness districts into even more livable neighborhoods   liver for the public, as funds generated from private   Midtown.”
        that attract businesses and workers and generate   development will help us deliver a greener and safer   “As a city, we understand the importance of cre-
        economic growth that benefits all New Yorkers.”  Park Avenue,” said New York City Department of   ating more green and vibrant corridors across the
           “As the MTA works underground to shore up   City Planning Director and New York City Planning   whole  city,”  said  Chief  Public  Realm  Officer  Ya-
        our train infrastructure, we are taking this unique   Commission Chair Dan Garodnick. “This is just an-  Ting Liu. “Investing in the redesigns of Park Avenue
        moment to make the vital artery, Park Avenue, a   other example of how we’re planning ahead to im-  and Fifth Avenue continue to show progress in our
        destination,”  said  Deputy  Mayor  for  Operations   prove livability and public safety in New York.”  commitment to improve the connectivity and feel of
        Meera Joshi. “Lighting, furniture, and concessions   “This  administration  is  transforming  urban   neighborhoods where we live, work, and play.”
        will create more of the vibrant space New Yorkers   space  and  finding  opportunities  to  create  safer,   “Reimagining Park Avenue further advances
        love and deserve.”                            calmer, and quieter places within our streetscape,”  implementation of the ‘New’ New York Panel’s
           “As our administration made clear in the ‘Mak-  said New  York City  Department of  Design and   recommendations to reshape our business districts
        ing New York Work for Everyone’ action plan, a dy-  Construction Commissioner Thomas Foley. “Old   with  great  public  space,”  said  “New”  New  York
        namic public realm ensures our commercial corri-  Park Avenue placed much more emphasis on the   Executive Director B.J. Jones. “This effort joins
        dors remain vibrant hubs for daily life,” said Deputy  ‘park’ and we can get back to that while preserving   Broadway  Vision, the redesign  of Fifth Avenue,
        Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and   mobility with dedication to a new set of design prin-  and more to make Midtown an inviting, pedestri-
        Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “This important   ciples that values people’s health above all.  We look   an-friendly global center of commerce.”

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