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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 34

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                              NITASHA SHARMA                                                      RUPESH KARIYAT

          Actress says Bollywood connects                                           Professor honored by the

              Indian diaspora to its roots                                  Entomological Society of America

                                                                                  upesh Kariyat, an associate professor of insect-plant interactions and
                                                                                  chemical ecology in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathol-
                                                                            Rogy from the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sci-
                                                                            ences has been named winner of the 2024 Distinguished Achievement Award
                                                                            in Teaching from the Entomological Society of America.
                                                                                University of Arkansas faculty member Rupesh Kariyat is also a research-
                                                                            er and scientist with the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, the re-
                                                                            search arm of the U of a System Division of Agriculture.
            ndo-Canadian actress Nitasha Sharma has publicly responded to Rishab   “I want to express sincere gratitude to all the students who have taken my
            Shetty’s recent remarks, which criticized Bollywood for its portrayal of In-  classes over the years and my advisers who gave me opportunities to teach
        Idia. In an interview, Shetty, a prominent figure in Kannada cinema, ex-  during graduate and post-graduate studies, and to my mother — who was a
        pressed his belief that Bollywood often presents a negative image of India, par-  school teacher for more than 30 years,” Kariyat said. “She has always been my
        ticularly at international film festivals. He emphasized his pride in showcasing   role model in teaching.”
        his nation positively through his work.                                 Kariyat teaches insect pest management, chemical ecology and insect be-
            Sharma, however, strongly disagrees with Shetty’s assessment. She stat-  havior, insect morphology and graduate seminar classes. He’s also part of U
        ed, “For me and millions of other Indians living abroad, be it Bollywood or   of A’s cell and molecular biology and the environmental dynamics graduate
        regional cinema, they have majorly portrayed our country in a positive light   programs. Kariyat has graduated 14 M.S. students and currently advises four
        and very close to what it is.                                       Ph.D., three M.S. and one honors student in entomology.
            Bollywood will never portray India negatively.” She believes that such   Kariyat has published more than 75 peer-reviewed manuscripts and
        criticisms can sometimes be exaggerated, leading to immediate reactions that   brought in more than $3.2 million in grant funding as a principal investigator/
        may not reflect the broader reality.                                co-principal investigator.
            Having lived in Canada for an extended period, Sharma noted that Bol-  “I  can’t  think  of  a  more  deserving  educator  for  this  award,”  said  Ken
        lywood films play a significant role in connecting the Indian diaspora with   Korth, head of the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology.
        their roots. “Cinema means Bollywood for many people here,” she explained,   The award is presented annually to the member regarded as ESA’s most
        highlighting that Indian films have consistently entertained and engaged au-  outstanding teacher of the year.
        diences across generations. She added that regional films, including Punjabi   “I believe this to be the most significant of all ESA’s awards,” said Daniel
        and South Indian cinema, have also gained popularity, catering to a large   Potter, entomology professor emeritus at the University of Kentucky and a
        audience in the West.                                               previous winner of the award.
            Sharma’s own experiences in the film industry reinforce her perspective.   The Kariyat Lab at U of A and Division of Agriculture is focused on un-
        Her Punjabi film Honsla Rakh (2021) and music videos, such as “Chann” with   derstanding how plants defend against insect herbivores and the mechanisms
        Babbu Mann, have received positive responses in North America. “People   underlying multitrophic interactions.
        there watch a wide range of cinema being made in India, whether for digital   The Entomological Society of America (ESA), founded in 1889, is the
        platforms or theaters, and trust me, we love it,” she asserted. This enthusiasm   largest organization in the world serving the professional and scientific needs
        for Indian cinema, she believes, fosters a desire among the diaspora to revisit   of entomologists and individuals in related disciplines.
        their homeland.                                                                                              Continued on next page... >>

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