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BUSINESS EYE                                                     SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 39

               Gautam Adani replaces Mukesh Ambani

                      at the top of Hurun’s Rich List with

                                               Rs 11.6 lakh crore

            The total number of billionaires reached to 334 individuals and the cumulative wealth of these
                               individuals is Rs 159 lakh crore -- more than half of India’s GDP

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Rahman Junaid, Founder and Chief
                                                                                                              Researcher, at Hurun India, said.
                                                                                                                 “India is emerging as Asia’s
              he Hurun India Rich List 2024,                                                                  wealth creation engine! While Chi-
              released on Tuesday, revealed                                                                   na saw a 25 per cent decline in its
        Tshifts in the wealth landscape,                                                                      number of billionaires, India experi-
        with Indian tycoons Gautam Adani                                                                      enced a 29 per cent increase, reach-
        and Mukesh Ambani making head-                                                                        ing a record 334 billionaires.
        lines for their remarkable gains.                                                                         For  the  first  time,  the  Hurun
        Adani has replaced Ambani for the                                                                     India  Rich  List  features  1,539  en-
        top slot in this year’s list.                                                                         trants, showcasing a diverse range
            Adani Group’s founder Gautam                                                                      of wealth creators--from family-run
        Adani has topped the list for this year,                                                              businesses and startup founders to
        leaving behind Mukesh Ambani, the                                                                     private equity investors, angel inves-
        Chairman and Managing Director of                                                                     tors,  next-generation  leaders,  film
        Reliance Industries Limited (RIL).                                                                    stars, and more. The stories within
        With a total wealth of about Rs 11.6                                                                  the Hurun
        lakh  crore,  Adani  secured  the  first                                                                  India Rich List not only reflects
        position. The wealth of Adani and                                                                     the dynamics of India’s modern
        his family grew by 95 per cent.                                                                       economy but offers a glimpse into
                                                                                                              its future trajectory. The future is
        According to the list, the total            The wealth of Adani and his family grew by 95 per cent (File photo)  nothing  short  of  exciting,”  Junaid
        wealth of Ambani and his fam-                                                                             Interestingly the founders of
                                          six individuals have consistently re-
        ily stood at Rs 10.1 lakh crore.   mained in the India Top 10.      the combined GDP of Saudi Arabia   startups have also secured a place
                                                                            and Switzerland and more than half
                                                                                                              in the list. A total of 55 technology
        While the Shiv Nadar family           Leading  the  list  is  Gautam   of India’s GDP, as per the report.  startup founders, with a cumulative
                                                                               “India continues to score Gold
        captured the third spot in the    Adani and family, followed by     in the ‘Wealth Creation Olympics’.   wealth of Rs 2,87,100 crore and an
                                          Mukesh Ambani and family, Shiv
                                                                                                              average age of 40, featured in the
        Hurun India Rich List 2024.       Nadar, Cyrus S Poonawalla and     The number of billionaires in 2024   Hurun Rich India list.
                                          family, Gopichand Hinduja and     Hurun India Rich List hits a triple   The youngest on the list is
            The vaccine maker Cyrus S     family, and Radhakishan Damani    century, with all the top 20 sectors   21-year-old Kaivalya Vohra of USD
        Poonawalla and the family of Serum   and family.                    adding new faces to the list! The   5 billion quick commerce startup
        Institute of India hold the fourth    The total number of billionaires   top 20 sectors all added new faces,   Zepto. The co-founder of the Zepto
        position in the list followed by Dil-  reached to 334 individuals and the   showcasing the unstoppable spirit of   is the second youngest on the list.
        ip Shanghvi of Sun Pharmaceutical   cumulative wealth of these individ-  Indian entrepreneurs  as  they  drive   A total of 52 founders of 29 uni-
        Industries. Over the past five years,  uals is Rs 159 lakh crore, more than   growth  across  the  board,”  Anas   corns have been named in this year’s list.

           Many sectors to benefit from AI: Mukesh Ambani

                eliance Industries Chairman   AI lies in making it accessible to ev-  tablish gigawattscale AI-ready data   Jio.
                Mukesh Ambani has said    eryone, everywhere.               centres  in  Jamnagar,  powered  en-  The company is working on
         Rthat the birth of AI is per-        “With  Jio’s  AI  Everywhere  For   tirely by Reliance’s green energy,   making Jio Brain help other oper-
         haps the most transformative event   Everyone vision, we are committed   reflecting  our  commitment  to  sus-  ating companies fast-track their AI
         in the evolution of the human race   to democratising AI, offering power-  tainability and a greener future,” he   journey and also  offer it  to other
         and has opened opportunities to   ful AI models and services to every-  added.                       companies.
         address  several  complex  problems   one in India at the most affordable   He also announced Jio Brain   “I anticipate that by perfect-
         facing mankind.                  prices,” he said.                 which  will  have  a  comprehensive   ing Jio Brain within Reliance, we
             In his speech at the company’s   “To achieve this, we are laying   suite of tools and platforms by lever-  will  create  a  powerful  AI  service
         47th AGM on Thursday, Ambani     the groundwork for a truly nation-  aging AI and this will accelerate the   platform that we can offer to other
         said he believes the true power of   al AI infrastructure. We plan to es-  AI  adoption  to various services  of   enterprises as well,” Ambani said.

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