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BUSINESS EYE                                                     SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 40

                                                              TECH T@LK

                Apple’s iPhone 16 to make its debut on September 10

                This upgrade aims to enhance low-light performance, and for the first time, the non-Pro versions
                                          will support macro photography, reported GSM Arena

        OUR BUREAU                                                          ly choosing this month to unveil its lat-  in last year’s models.
                                                                            est iPhone iterations.                This upgrade aims to enhance
        Cupertino, CA
                                                                                As Apple gears up for the antici-  low-light performance, and  for the
           n a recent update, the much-an-                                  pated launch of the iPhone 16 series,   first  time,  the  non-Pro  versions  will
           ticipated iPhone 16 series is set to                             slated for next month, potentially on   support macro photography, reported
        Imake its debut on September 10,                                    September 10, reports have emerged   GSM Arena.
        aligning with Apple’s tradition of an-                              regarding the camera specifications for   The iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max
        nouncing new iPhones in September.                                  all four forthcoming models, as well.  are set to offer more significant chang-
        GSM Arena has reported that the re-                                     According  to   reports  ob-  es. Both Pro models will include a 5x
        lease date for the new devices will like-                           tained by GSM Arena, the latest   telephoto camera--a feature that was
        ly be September 20, just ten days after                             revelations offer a glimpse into   previously exclusive to the larger Pro
        the announcement.                                                   the enhancements and features     Max model. This telephoto lens will use
            Invitations for this event are ex-                              set to debut with the new lineup.  a 12 MP sensor with an f/2.8 aperture.
        pected to be sent out next week, fur-                                   The standard iPhone 16 and iP-    The main camera on these Pro
        ther building anticipation for the new                              hone 16 Plus models will reportedly   models will remain unchanged from
        iPhone series.                                                      retain the dual-camera setup found in   last year, but the ultrawide lens will
            As per the reports, Apple’s pro-  The iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max are set to of-  their predecessors.  receive a notable upgrade.
        duction process for the iPhone 16 se-  fer more significant changes (Agency photo)  However, the cameras will now be   It will now feature a 48 MP sensor
        ries is progressing smoothly, suggest-                              vertically aligned on the rear panel.  with .7 micrometre pixels that, when
        ing that all four models in the series  models at once, ensuring a compre-  Both models will feature the same   used in binning mode, will produce an
        will be available simultaneously on the  hensive lineup for consumers.  48 MP primary sensor as seen in the   effective pixel size of 1.4 micrometres.
        anticipated release date.             The September release cycle has  iPhone 15 series, but the ultrawide   This upgrade will also enable 48
            This aligns with Apple’s historical  become a hallmark of Apple’s product  lens will benefit from a faster f/2.2 ap-  MP ProRaw photo capabilities.
        pattern of launching multiple iPhone  strategy, with the company consistent-  erture compared to the f/2.4 aperture   (With agency reports)

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