Page 35 - The Indian EYE 083024
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SOUTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 35

        the first and only person from Indi-                                                                  tion. In the long term, education and
        an origin so far to contest elections                                                                 skill-building is the only way to re-
        here in Brazil. I hope that in future                                                                 duce crime rate in this country.
        this scenario will be different and
        more people of Indian origin will join                                                                How do you think your election to the
        politics and run for elected positions.                                                               council win will help India-Brazil re-
        Brazil is a very important country                                                                    lations?
        and we need to have Indo-Brazilian                                                                        I am 49 years old. I moved to
        voices in its chambers of politics.                                                                   Brazil at the age of 23 and in a few
            Though I am the first PIO to run                                                                  months’ time I shall be completing
        for an elected position, I stand as a                                                                 25 years of living in Brazil. Almost
        proud representative of India in Bra-                                                                 50% of my life I have lived in India
        zil, especially in São Paulo. I aspire to                                                             and the other 50% in Brazil. So, all
        and plan to be the voice of the Indian                                                                I mean to say is that I know both the
        community, our businesses and our                                                                     countries very well. On top of it, I
        companies in the council of Brazil’s                                                                  am an alumnus of JNU, New Delhi,
        most important city – financially and                                                                 1992-97 batch from the Center of
        politically.                                                                                          Spanish, Portuguese, Italian & Lat-
                                                                                                              in American Studies. What I am to-
        As the campaign has already begun,                                                                    day, it is because of my education at
        what are your main proposals for the                                                                  JNU. The university has one of the
        electorate of the city?                                                                               most prestigious centers in terms of
            Although there are many possi-                                                                    International Studies. Many Indian
        bilities, I am targeting and focusing                                                                 diplomats presently posted world-
        on three main issues.                                                                                 wide are JNU products, including
            My  first  priority  will  be  educa-                                                             the External Affairs Minister Dr.
        tion. Without education a society is                                                                  Subramanyam  Jaishankar  and  also
        nothing. I was born in the Nalanda                                                                    our present Indian Ambassador to
        district in Bihar. Nalanda University   The first person of Indian origin contesting the election in Brazil being introduced as a candi-  Brazil, Mr. Suresh Reddy. I would
        was created in the 6th century B.C.                                                                   be very keen to jointly work with this
        and it is world famous for their ed-     date at the convention of Republican Party in Sao Paulo on August 1, 2024  vast network to enhance the business
        ucation system. Though very little is                                                                 and trade relationships between both
        known, the number Zero is a great   Indians have.                   gradually  introduce  Artificial  Intel-  the countries.
        invention made by Aryabhatta, who     My third priority would be public   ligence to the Brazilian security and
        was a professor at the same ancient   security. Brazil and few other Latin   policing system and this way we can   How will your election help the local
        Nalanda University. And today our   American countries have the high-  reduce crime rates here. Obviously,   Indian community in Sao Paulo and
        whole mathematical system depends   est crime rates in the world. We can   this is going to be a temporary solu-  other states of Brazil?
        on the number Zero. Because of our                                                                        Recently, the governor of Pa-
        great mathematical tradition, Indians                                                                 rana (a Brazilian state in the south)
        have made enormous contribution to                                                                    went to India and had a joint venture
        the internet too. Today, India is the                                                                 with Tata Consultancy Service. And
        world’s biggest exporter of software                                                                  now they have a full-fledged office of
        and I don’t see any substitute for it at                                                              more than 3,600 workers here. Imag-
        least for the next 10 years. Gradually,                                                               ine, if we could bring ten Indian com-
        the whole world is going to be even                                                                   panies with 5,000 employees each
        more dependent on Artificial Intelli-                                                                 to Sao Paulo. It will directly benefit
        gence or let’s say in other words, the                                                                the Brazilian and Indian community
        world will be more dependent on In-                                                                   based here. Not only that, if I win the
        dia’s software power. We need sim-                                                                    election, the local Indian community
        ilar efforts in the area of education                                                                 will have a voice representing them
        in Brazil.                                                                                            in the local council and Government.
            My second focus area will be to                                                                   Just in case, anybody – an individual
        project the importance of Yoga and                                                                    or the community -- needs anything,
        Ayurveda. The absence of disease is                                                                   I will be able to work with the local
        also a synonym of good health. With                                                                   authorities to help them.
        the practice of Yoga and Ayurveda,
        we can gradually establish a good                                                                     Who are the main groups of people you
        health system in Brazil. Though very                                                                  plan to target in your campaign?
        little is known in the western world,                                                                     I would like to target the indus-
        even the spices used in the Indian                                                                    trialists, business persons and Educa-
        cooking also helps in enhancing the                                                                   tionists initially as I take my message
        human immune system. The recent                                                                       across this city. I would target them
        proof was during the COVID-19                                                                         first  because  they  have  innovative
        pandemic. The death ratio world-                                                                      ideas to change the world. But, of
        wide was around 4-5% whereas the                                                                      course, as a politician I would like
        same in India was  less  than 1%. It                                                                  to reach out and talk to all sections
        was  not  by  miracle  but due to the                 Amitabh Ranjan at the party meeting             of the society and also listen to their
        very good immune system which we                                                                      needs and aspirations.

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