Page 34 - The Indian EYE 083024
P. 34

South                     The Indian Eye


         34                                                                                                                 AUGUST 30, 2024

                                              Q&A WITH AMITABH RANJAN

                        ‘I aspire to be the voice of the Indian

         community, businesses and companies in the

                  council of Brazil’s most important city’

        India-born businessman becomes the first-ever Person of Indian Origin to contest elections in Brazil

              orn in Bihar Sharif, Bihar, In-                                                                 This year, Brazil is hosting the G-20
              dia in 1975 and educated at                                                                     summit, with India passing on  the
        BJawaharlal Nehru University                                                                          presidency to Brazil last year. Many
        (JNU), New Delhi, Amitabh Ran-                                                                        Indian ministers, secretaries and
        jan moved to São Paulo in 1999. In                                                                    high-level delegations have been
        the past 25 years, the businessman                                                                    visiting Brazil this year for different
        has  made  significant  contributions                                                                 meetings. Even Prime Minister Na-
        to various sectors, including coor-                                                                   rendra Modi is likely to visit Brazil
        dinating the famous Brazilian serial                                                                  in November this year for the G-20
        “Caminho das Índias” (Passages to                                                                     summit in Rio de Janeiro.
        India) in 2009. He has also served as                                                                     This growing partnership be-
        the Social Action Director of the In-                                                                 tween India and Brazil will definitely
        dian Association of Sao Paulo, which                                                                  enhance  the  business  relationships
        is the only organization of the Indian                                                                between our two countries. Just to
        community in Brazil.                                                                                  have an idea, India and the US have
            Now, Amitabh Ranjan, 49, is                                                                       bilateral  trade of almost US$ 200
        contesting the São Paulo Municipal                                                                    billion per annum. India and a few
        Council election as a candidate of                                                                    Middle-Eastern countries have annu-
        the Republican Party of Brazil, to                                                                    al trade in the range of US$ 100 bil-
        which the current Governor of São                                                                     lion. Whereas India and Brazil trade
        Paulo, Tarcisio Freitas, also belongs.                                                                is hardly around US$ 15 billion. This
        As a candidate for the post of Coun-                                                                  doesn’t mean that it can’t be raised
        cilor, he is the first-ever Person of In-                                                             to a higher level. The trade has been
        dian Origin (PIO) to contest for an                                                                   increasing gradually. It’s just a matter
        elected office in Brazil.                                                                             of taking more initiatives at all levels
        In  a  free-wheeling  interview  with  the                                                            between the two countries. If all goes
        Indian  EYE,  the  India-born  politician                                                             well and if I win this election, I will
        spoke about his life, political campaign                                                              definitely  try  to  concentrate  my  ef-
        and India-Brazil relations. Excerpts of                                                               forts to help in increasing the bilateral
        the interview:                                                                                        trade between India and Brazil be-
                                                                                                              cause Sao Paulo is the financial capital
        When and why did you decide to contest                                                                of not only Brazil but the entire South
        the municipal elections in São Paulo?                                                                 America. Most Indian companies are
            I moved to Brazil in 1999. So, it’s   Amitabh Ranjan, 49, is Republican candidate in Sao Paulo city elections  based here and we would like to see
        more than 25 years that I have lived                                                                  more Indian companies setting up
        in Sao Paulo in Brazil. During this                                                                   operations here and more Brazilian
        period, I have seen many changes   President Jair Bolsonaro during his   decided to go ahead with my plans to   firms going to India.
        but I personally feel that things could   visit to India as chief guest at the Re-  make my contribution to the society
        have been much better. So, instead of   public Day ceremony on January 26   and economy I have been part for al-  Is the Indian community politically ac-
        just waiting for the change, I decided   in 2020. But immediately after the   most three decades.     tive in Brazil or other South American
        to participate directly in the political   visit, COVID-19 started to grip the                        countries?
        process to become a part of the Bra-  world in March 2020 and saving lives   Why is this election important for Bra-  Unfortunately, we have a very
        zilian system and try to do something   became a  priority worldwide.  So, I   zil and especially for the Indian com-  small Indian community here in Bra-
        different for it to become better.   decided to postpone my ideas for   munity?                       zil or even in Latin America. In Bra-
            Although I always had it in my   some more time. And now as Brazil   Brazil and India are part of the   zil, it hardly consists of around 1,000
        mind to join politics at some stage,   is going to have municipal election in   BRICS group, G-20, IBSA, G-4 and   families. The numbers in other South
        I decided to jump into the elections   October and everyone is working to   have interaction and cooperation at   American nations are similar. I am
        after  accompanying  then  Brazilian   recover in the post-Covid scenario, I   many other multi-lateral platforms.   Continued on next page... >>

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