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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 30

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                         KUNTAL BHATTACHARYYA                                                     RAJU RANGAPPA

             ODU’s New School of Supply                                              Heat MAGIC to develop

           Chain names its First Director                                                climate-tolerant rice

              ecently, Old Dominion University appointed Kuntal Bhattacharyya,
              Ph.D., as the first Director of the new School of Supply Chain, Logistics
        Rand Maritime Operations (SSCLMO).
            Dr. Bhattacharyya joins SSCLMO from Indiana State University where
        he served as the project director of the Logistics 4.0 Innovation Hub@Plain-  orld-over rice cultivation is facing a crisis due to climate change and
        field. Previously he was the Scott College of Business School’s executive di-  extreme weather events. Recently, Raju Bheemanahalli Rangappa,
        rector of graduate programs and chair of the department of marketing and  Wa Mississippi State University (MSU) assistant research professor in
        operations. Bhattacharyya, is a certified risk manager, holding a doctorate in   plant and soil sciences, has been empowered to find sustainable solutions to
        operations management from Kent State University and a master’s in man-  the rice crisis with a $720,500 grant from the USDA National Institute of Food
        agement from the University of Akron.                               and Agriculture.
            He has extensive experience of 17 years in academia including design-  The university’s Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station,
        ing a new curriculum that aligned with the needs of Midwest manufacturing   or MAFES, team is using heat multi-parent advanced generation inter-cross
        corridors; the development of an advisory board and a new center for supply   (Heat MAGIC) populations of rice to test tolerance to various temperature
        management research; creation of an online MBA program that experienced   combinations, increasing the chances of finding viable solutions.
        150% growth year-to-year; corporate fundraising; and forging partnerships   Rangappa said, “Our team is focusing on phenotyping and identifying
        with international companies such as GEODIS, Toyota Material Handling,  climate-resilient rice varieties with improved tolerance to temperature stress.”
        Eli Lilly and North American Lighting.                                 “A MAGIC population is a breeding population used in plant research. It
            He began his career with The Timken Company, a multi-national produc-  involves crossing multiple parents over several generations and then self-pol-
        er of bearings and steel. He was a global sourcing analyst, managed $2 billion   linating the resulting offspring for additional generations. By analyzing the
        capital budgets and charted global sourcing strategies.             genetic makeup of this population, researchers can identify the genes likely to
           “I always wanted to be in the industry first before I could take my two cents   control trait expressions,” Rangappa said. “Imagine you’re a painter. It’s like
        of knowledge into the classroom,” he said, noting that when he was an MBA   creating new shades.”
        student, his professor and mentor planted the seed of a career in academia.  The MSU team, including research professor and director of the uni-
           “Leveraging our strategic location, the SSCLMO will work closely with   versity’s Soil Plant Atmosphere Research Unit, Raja Reddy, is collaborating
        maritime, supply chain and logistics companies to support the shipbuilding   with the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines and the US-
        and ship repair, transportation and defense industries as well as others to best   DA-ARS Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center in Arkansas. This
        prepare our students for exciting careers that are so vital to our country’s blue   partnership combines scientific expertise in stress physiology, breeding and
        economy,” said Elspeth McMahon, Old Dominion’s associate vice president   genomics to address the rice crisis under heat stress.
        for maritime initiatives.                                               The Heat MAGIC rice was developed by scientists at IRRI to improve
           “Dr. Bhattacharyya brings experience in strategic sourcing, supply chain   varieties with desirable traits. The project is divided into four phases over the
        management, financial economics, humanitarian logistics, and Industry 4.0   next four years. The first two years will be heat stress tolerance field testing in
        applications in manufacturing to lead the new school, which will prepare stu-  the Philippines. The same population will then be tested in Arkansas and Mis-
        dents for impactful careers in the supply chain and maritime industry,” said   sissippi to complete additional field and controlled environment experiments.
        ODU Provost Brian K. Payne.                                                                                  Continued on next page... >>

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