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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 26

                  ITServe’s Synergy 2024: A Thrilling

             Tech Conference Planned In Las Vegas

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            cific topics and explore practical solu-
                                                                                                              tions  to  common  challenges  faced
        New York
                                                                                                              by executives in today’s competitive
           TServe Alliance’s annual sig-                                                                      market, with interactive sessions tai-
           nature event, Synergy 2024 is a                                                                    lored to your professional interests
        Ithrilling tech conference planned                                                                    and expertise.
        to be held at Caesars Palace, Las                                                                         With Panel Discussions that are
        Vegas  from  October  29th  and  30th,                                                                vital to the ITServe members, who
        2024,” Suresh Potluri, Director of                                                                    are entrepreneurs, Synergy 2024 will
        Synergy 2024 announced. “At Syner-                                                                    be packed with sessions on Startup
        gy, you’ll get to network with peers,                                                                 Cube Panel, CIO/CTO Panel, Fi-
        learn from experts, and discover new                                                                  nancial Panel, Workforce & Contin-
        and exciting developments in the IT                                                                   gency,  Staffing  Panel,  Contracts  &
        Industry. Don’t miss the chance to                                                                    Litigations Panel, Mergers & Acqui-
        hear from inspiring speakers who will                                                                 sitions Panel (M&A),  Immigration
        show us how to conquer the upcom-                                                                     Panel & Federal Contracting.
        ing challenges and opportunities in                                                                       Networking and connecting with
        information technology.”                                                                              fellow CEOs and CxOs from leading
            According to the Synergy Or-                                                                      organizations gives participants a
        ganizing Team, packed with educa-                                                                     platform to exchange ideas, forge new
        tional and entertainment sessions,                                                                    relationships, and uncover potential
        Synergy is a unique event that ca-                                                                    opportunities for collaboration and
        ters to one’s body, soul, and mind.                                                                   expansion in an environment de-
        “As you invest time to build your                                                                     signed to foster growth and success.
        thought leadership, you can unwind                                                                        At the dozens of Business Expo
        from your daily stress at the break-                                                                  Booths, Synergy delegates can ex-
        out sessions. Synergy 2024 is a prom-                                                                 plore a dynamic marketplace featur-
        ising two-day event for the entire IT                                                                 ing a diverse range of vendors and ser-
        community  in  the  US.  The  floor  at                                                               vice providers, offering unparalleled
        the event has fun and entertainment                                                                   opportunities for networking, collab-
        packed for the participants. They                                                                     oration, and strategic partnerships.
        can add more fun to their productive                                                                      In addition, participants will
        experience with an extended stay in                                                                   have opportunities to discover cut-
        Caesars Palace, Las Vegas.”                                                                           ting-edge solutions and innovative
            At Synergy 2024, an esteemed                                                                      technologies from ITServe’s trusted
        panel of industry leaders and vision-                                                                 partners, designed to optimize their
        aries will share their invaluable in-                                                                 business  operations,  enhance  effi-
        sights and share their expertise on                                                                   ciency, and drive sustainable growth.
        ways to navigate the rapidly evolving                                                                     Summarizing the mission of IT-
        landscape of technology and business.   world of IT Staffing and Technology.”  “Synergy 2024 is a unique venue   Serve Alliance and Synergy 2024,
        Participants will hear from influential   Past speakers at Synergy includ-  for the collision of brilliance, a net-  Anju Vallbhaneni, President-Elect
        figures and leaders from various sec-  ed President Bill Clinton, President   working supernova, and a tech safari   of ITServe said, “We believe in de-
        tors, providing unique perspectives   George W. Bush,  Hillary Clinton,   all rolled into one,” said Jagadeesh   veloping strategic relationships with
        and actionable strategies for driving   67th  United  States  Secretary  of   Mosali, National President of IT-  our partner organizations to work
        innovation and growth.            State,  Nikki  Haley,  the  first  female   Serve Alliance. “As you are aware,   for a better technology environment
            “Synergy continues to add prom-  governor of South Carolina, Steve   ITServe Alliance’s Synergy is the   by  building  greater  understanding.
        inent speakers, valuable sponsor-  Forbes, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief   only one-of-a-kind conference de-  Come and join us on our journey.
        ships,  and  help  grow  a  community   of Forbes Media, Sheila Bair, For-  livering innovative strategies, unique   Let us be your voice when it comes
        network of industry professionals   mer Chair of FDIC, Kevin O’leary,   insights, and proven tactics for suc-  to Information Technology.”
        across the country,” said Amar    Venture Capitalist & Star of ABC’s   cess, exclusively for IT service com-  Synergy 2024 will provide a plat-
        Varada, ITServe’s Governing Board   Shark Tank, Zack Kass, Technology   panies and individuals.”      form for 3,000+ CXOs from hun-
        Chair. “Participants at Synergy 2024   Futurist, Specialist in Generative AI   Synergy 2024 will focus on de-  dreds of multi-national companies to
        will have a platform for IT compa-  Solutions, Yuvraj Singh, Internation-  veloping strategic relationships with   come together to hear industry lead-
        ny heads to come together to hear   al Cricketer Entrepreneur & Philan-  partner  organizations,  sponsors,  ers speak, engage in discussions with
        industry leaders speak, engage in   thropist, Sadhguru J V, Founder of   and supporters, to work for a better   lawmakers, participate in interactive
        discussions with lawmakers, partici-  ISHA foundation, Jason McCann,   technology environment by building   breakout sessions, deliberate on the
        pate in interactive breakout sessions,   Co-Founder & CEO Vari, and,   greater understanding.  Breakout   latest trends, challenges, and oppor-
        and deliberate on the latest trends,   Verne Harnish, Founder, Author &   Sessions are other unique ways for   tunities  in  the  world  of  IT  Staffing
        challenges, and opportunities in the   CEO Scaling Up.              every member to dive deep into spe-  and Technology.

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