Page 24 - The Indian EYE 083024
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24

                    Mayor Adams issues order requiring city

         agencies to review city owned and controlled land

                      for potential housing development sites

             Part of Adams Administration’s Pledge to Use Every Possible Tool to Create More

                      Affordable Housing and Deliver 500,000 New Housing Units by 2032

        OUR BUREAU                        bold, forward-thinking solutions and  solve a generational affordable hous-  CityFHEPS vouchers, streamlining
                                          using every possible tool available to  ing  crisis, we  must bring  new  inno-  our regulatory architecture to help
        NEW YORK, NY
                                          deliver the affordable housing that  vative ideas to the table and activate  build a little more housing in every
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-  New Yorkers need. The executive or-  all city agencies, whether they are  borough, and, with this executive
               ams has announced the is-  der will help support the Adams ad-  directly involved in creating housing  order, evaluating all sites owned by
        Nsuance of executive order 43  ministration’s bold “moonshot” goal  or not, to help deliver for New York-  the city for potential inclusion in our
        requiring city agencies to review their  of  building  500,000  new  homes  by  ers. Today’s executive order is one  affordable housing efforts. Ultimate-
        city  owned  and  controlled  land  for  2032.                      of the many  ways we will continue  ly, every individual, family, and child
        potential housing development sites.   “If  there’s  any  land  within  the  to exhaust every option to meet this  deserves a permanent home and this
        As New York City faces a generation-  city’s control that has even the re-  crisis head on and fulfil our pledge of  administration will use every tool to
        al affordable housing crisis with just  motest potential to develop afford-  building  500,000  new  housing  units  make that goal a reality.”
        a 1.4 percent rental vacancy rate, the  able housing, our administration will  by 2032.”                   Effective immediately, the exec-
        Adams administration is proposing  take action,” said Mayor Adams. “To   “Today,  we  take  a  significant  utive order establishes the City Hous-
                                                                            step forward in our mission to tackle  ing Activation Task Force, with repre-
                                                                            New York City’s housing crisis head-  sentatives from mayoral agencies and
                                                                            on,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena  other public entities. The task force
                                                                            Wright. “By directing city agencies to  will review land under the ownership
                                                                            review and assess all city-owned and  and control of the city to identify
                                                                            controlled land for potential housing  potential sites for housing develop-
                                                                            development, we are unlocking new  ment, and develop guidelines to en-
                                                                            opportunities to build more afford-  sure agency policies promote housing
                                                                            able housing where they are needed  production. All locations that can be
                                                                            most. This is a crucial component  used to further housing production
                                                                            of our broader strategy to deliver  or on adjacent or nearby sites without
                                                                            500,000 new housing units by 2032  disruption to critical municipal oper-
                                                                            and to ensure that every New Yorker  ations will be considered.
                                                                            has access to safe, affordable hous-   “As our city faces a critical af-
                                                                            ing.”                             fordable housing shortage, we are
                                                                                “Today,  this  administration  proud to be part of this innovative,
                                                                            doubles down on its commitment  all-of-city approach  to tackling the
                                                                            to address the city’s historically low  problem,” said New York City De-
                                                                            1.4 percent vacancy rate and use ev-  partment of Citywide Administrative
                                                                            ery tool in our toolkit to deliver the  Services Commissioner Louis A. Mo-
                                                                            housing New Yorkers deserve,” said  lina. “Through an intensive review of
                                                                            Deputy Mayor for Housing, Eco-    city-owned and controlled land, we’re
                                                                            nomic Development, and Workforce  committed to leveraging every asset
                                                                            Maria Torres-Springer. “Building off  at our disposal to contribute to this
                                                                            our ‘City of Yes for Housing Oppor-  ambitious goal of 500,000 new homes
                                                                            tunity’ proposal and wins in Albany  by 2032 and support this bold vision
                                                                            to increase housing production, this  to ensure that every New Yorker has
                                                                            whole of government response will  access to affordable housing.”
                                                                            allow us to develop underutilized     “Housing is essential to good
                    THE FOUR PEOPLE LIVING ABOVE THIS STORE                 land. I’m grateful for every agency  health,” said NYC Health + Hos-
                    KILLED BY THIS LITHIUM-ION BATTERY FIRE                 doing their part.”                pitals President and CEO Mitchell
                                                                                “The mayor’s executive action  Katz, MD. “NYC Health + Hospi-
                           DIDN’T EVEN OWN A BATTERY.                       announced today will add to our ad-  tals’ Housing for Health initiative
                                                              Learn how
                                                             to stay safe   ministration’s short-, medium-, and  will create over 650 new affordable
                                                                            long-term strategies to tackle the  homes on hospital land. We are
                                                                            city’s housing issues,” said Deputy  grateful to Mayor Adams for expand-
                                                     Mayor for Health and Human Ser-   ing this effort to all city-owned land
                                                                            vices Anne Williams-Isom.  “We’re  to help even more New Yorkers find
                                                                            helping more people than ever access  home.”

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