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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 32

                               RAVI MAYURAM                                                        RAHUL SHARMA

           Executive is named as the New                                          US-India Business Council

                        CTO at Uniphore                                              names its new India MD

                                                                                  he US Chamber of Commerce has announced the appointment of Mr.
                                                                                  Rahul Sharma as the new India-based Managing Director of the US-In-
                                                                            Tdia Business Council (USIBC), effective August 20, 2024. He will lead a
                                                                            strong team of policy experts dedicated to the over-200 member companies of
                                                                            the Council, and the partnership and prosperity of the both the U.S. and India.
                                                                               “We are thrilled to welcome Rahul Sharma to the USIBC family,” said Am-
                                                                            bassador Atul Keshap, USIBC President. “Rahul’s vast experience and prov-
                                                                            en track record in media, policy, and corporate advisory and communications
                                                                            will be invaluable as we continue to strengthen the U.S.-India partnership and
                                                                            achieve a shared goal of $500 billion in trade.”
               niphore, one of the world’s largest AI-native, enterprise-class compa-  With nearly four decades of experience, Mr. Sharma, a former journalist
               nies, recently announced the appointment of Ravi Mayuram as the   and newspaper editor, brings extensive knowledge of India’s business landscape
        Ucompany’s  new  Chief  Technology  Officer  (CTO).  Mayuram  brings   to USIBC. He joins USIBC following six years of leading APCO India, where
        over 25 years of experience in engineering leadership and is poised to further   he guided corporate clients, managed business and policy advocacy goals, and
        Uniphore’s leadership in Enterprise AI.                             advised state governments in investment communications.
            At Uniphore, Mayuram will lead the engineering team and take on the   Mr. Sharma’s appointment comes as USIBC prepares to celebrate its Gold-
        scaling up of Uniphore’s engineering platform, technology and AI groups,  en Jubilee in 2025, marking 50 years of USIBC’s role as the top business voice in
        while ensuring the highest standards of security and performance.   the U.S.-India corridor. “I look forward to my new role at USIBC and working
                                                                            with a unique set of people who are committed to enhancing and deepening
        Mayuram comes to Uniphore with a deep leadership background,        business and strategic ties between the world’s two greatest democracies,” said
                                                                            Mr. Sharma. Mr. Sharma, long recognized as a leading voice in India’s public af-
        having held several senior technical and management positions at    fairs landscape, previously served as Deputy Secretary General for the Federa-
        leading software companies including Couchbase, BEA, HP, Infor-     tion of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). His background in
                                                                            journalism includes roles with organizations such as Reuters, Hindustan Times,
        mix, Oracle, and Siebel Systems, handling operating systems, dis-   Khaleej Times, and The Economic Times. He is a founding member and past
        tributed databases, PaaS, SaaS as well as Edge and IoT systems.     president of the Public Affairs Forum of India (PAFI.)
                                                                                              DEEPAK CYRIL D’SOUZA
            Most recently, Mayuram was the Chief Development Officer at Lumi-
        nary Cloud, where he led Products, Design and Engineering. Before that he   Professor appointed at Yale
        was CTO of Couchbase, a leading cloud-native NoSQL database company.
        He has also led innovations in the areas of social graph, search and analytics
        at Oracle, and helped to initiate the company’s Cloud Collaboration Platform.     School of Medicine
           “It is with tremendous excitement that we welcome Ravi Mayuram to the
        Uniphore leadership team,” said Umesh Sachdev, CEO and co-founder of       eepak Cyril D’Souza, a leading expert on the pharmacology of canna-
        Uniphore. “As Uniphore becomes the preferred AI partner for the world’s    binoids, and the pharmacologic treatment of schizophrenia, has been
        largest enterprises, I am confident Ravi will help turbocharge our AI leader- Dappointed the inaugural Vikram Sodhi Professor of Psychiatry. This ap-
        ship and innovation into the future.”                               pointment is for a term of 10 years, renewable by the dean of the Yale School
            Mayuram expressed enthusiasm about joining Uniphore, stating, “I am   of Medicine (YSM). Established by Vikram Sodhi, managing partner of Sun
        honored to join Uniphore at such a pivotal time in the company’s journey.  Valley Investments and founder of the Sodhi Foundation, the inaugural profes-
        Uniphore’s culture of AI innovation is unlike any other in the industry with   sorship is the first at the Yale School of Medicine to be provided by or named
        technology that is tried, tested and trusted by the biggest companies. I am   after a person from India.
        eager to work with this talented team of world-class engineers and leaders   “Dr. D’Souza has made significant contributions to exploring the therapeu-
        to further advance Uniphore’s technology and deliver even greater value to   tic potential of different drugs for several neuropsychiatric conditions,” Sodhi
        customers.”                                                         said.                                    Continued on next page... >>

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