Page 36 - The Indian EYE 083024
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BUSINESS EYE                                                         AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 36

          India and US discuss collaboration under

                      ‘Power & Energy Efficiency Pillar’

              John Podesta says that India is a valuable partner and both countries support each other in

                          building resilient supply chains and investment-led partnership strategies

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                He also remarked that India and
                                                                                                              the US can collaborate on areas like
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              clean energy, energy storage systems
               nion Minister for Power                                                                        and energy efficiency. He further said
               Manohar Lal, accompanied                                                                       that the US can support India in en-
        Uby  Power and New and  Re-                                                                           hancing its manufacturing capacity.
        newable Energy Minister Shripad                                                                           During the meeting, both sides
        Naik on Thursday held a meeting                                                                       explored the possibility of techni-
        with a US delegation to discuss en-                                                                   cal exchanges on efforts to upgrade
        ergy collaboration  between  the  two                                                                 grid transmission to handle future
        countries.                                                                                            load growth.
            During the discussions, the Pow-                                                                      Discussions also covered policy
        er Minister emphasised the long-                                                                      consultations  and  potential  finan-
        standing bilateral partnership be-                                                                    cial support to advance these mod-
        tween India and the United States,                                                                    ernisation efforts.
        highlighting the shared commitment                                                                        In addition, the ways to enhance
        to a ‘clean’ energy future that fosters                                                               the manufacturing capacity were
        economic growth and development,                                                                      also discussed during the meeting.
        the Ministry of Power said in a state-                                                                    Both sides explored possibili-
        ment.                                                                                                 ties of state-to-state partnerships on
            The union minister further states                                                                 long-duration energy storage stud-
        that the Ministry of Power is commit-                                                                 ies, with further collaboration on
        ted to strengthening this partnership.                                                                grid-scale battery storage solutions,
            Emphasising the need for col-                                                                     as per the statement.
        laboration,  he  said  that  India  and   John Podesta, who led the US delegation, remarked that India and the US can collaborate on   Going further, the discussions
        US engagements under the ‘Power &                                                                     highlighted the importance of stim-
        Energy Efficiency Pillar’, which is led   areas like clean energy, energy storage systems and energy efficiency (File photo)  ulating manufacturing projects and
        by the Ministry of Power under the                                                                    policies to increase India’s capacity
        Strategic  Clean  Energy  Partnership   John Podesta, who led the US   port each other in building resilient   to build, deploy, and export high-ef-
        (SCEP), are important to realise our   delegation said that India is a valu-  supply chains and investment-led   ficiency  air  conditioning  systems
        goals to achieve the energy transition  able partner and both countries sup-  partnership strategies.  and fans.

                      FM asks Regional rural banks to ensure credit

                                           to small & micro enterprises

                nion Finance Minister Nir-  meeting to review the performance of   vices, and ensuring robust corporate   PM Vishwakarma scheme in their
                mala Sitharaman on Thurs-  nine Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)   governance are the areas that require   areas of operation to provide credit.
         Uday asked Regional rural        of the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra,   continued focus.               RRBs were also directed to in-
         banks (RRBs) to ensure easy credit   Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and   Sitharaman noted the lower   crease  their  share  in  ground-level
         to Micro, Small and Medium En-   Rajasthan, in Udaipur today.      offtake  of  the  MUDRA  scheme  in   agriculture credit disbursement and
         terprises (MSMEs). She asked the     The review meeting focused on   the Bundelkhand region and directed   achieve the stated objectives of Pri-
         RRBs to become more custom-      business performance, upgrading   the State Level Bankers’ Committee   ority Sector Lending.
         er-friendly and leverage their local   digital technology services, fostering   (SLBC) to hold specific meetings with   The Union Finance Minis-
         connections to further improve per-  business growth in MSME clusters,   State  Government  officials,  Sponsor   ter acknowledged the satisfactory
         formance.                        and  deepening  financial  inclusion  in   Banks and RRBs to improve the per-  improvement in the technology
             All RRBs have devised cus-   rural areas.                      formance of the MUDRA scheme      upgradation  of  the  nine  RRBs  of
         tomised MSME products aligning       Union  Finance  Minister  also   along  with  other  financial  inclusion   the Western Central region since
         with cluster activities. However, they   highlighted that Sponsor Banks and   schemes in Bundelkhand region and   2022 - the year when regular review
         need to regularly review their credit   RRBs must recognise the challenges   aspirational districts.  of RRBs started; and urged these
         portfolio in that segment, she said.  that lie ahead, especially maintaining   Similarly, RRBs were directed   RRBs to continue the momentum
             The Finance Minister chaired a   asset quality, expanding digital ser-  to identify potential trades under the   in future also.

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