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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 28

                Non-Resident Indian Associations Felicitate

                                             Dr. G. Padmaja Reddy

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL

              ens  of  families  from  Chicago
              suburbs witnessed the felicita-
        Ttion of acclaimed Kuchipudi
        dancer, guru and 2022 Padma Shri
        awardee, Dr. G. Padmaja Reddy, at
        Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago by
        American Telangana Society (ATS)
        and Telugu Association of Greater
        Chicago (TAGC) with the support
        of TANA, NATA, NATS, NRIVA,
        NCAIA, IAGC, FIA, TDF and CHI-
        TA, on Friday July 8th. Padma Shri
        award is the fourth-highest civilian
        award of the Republic of India.
            The  evening  started with  the
        president of the Hindu temple,
        Bhakshish Rawal and entire team
        welcoming Padma Shri Padma-
        ja Reddy and all the Indian Origin
        community leaders of prominent In-    Later on, Past-President of   many other reasons that Dr. Padmaja   duturi and several others from the
        dian associations in Greater Chicago   ATS, Satya Kandimalla, General   Reddy stood for identifying the chal-  above mentioned NRI community
        area. The event was Kick started by   Secretary of ATS, Venkat Manthe-  lenges of the girl child community   organization felicitated by individu-
        Kalyan Anandula, Founder Trust-   na, President Narender Chemarla,   challenges from many areas across   ally addressing, acknowledging, and
        ee of American Telangana Society   Treasurer Ramchandra Reddy Ade   India and chose to promote to end   emphasizing Dr. Padmaja efforts for
        (ATS) welcoming all the guests to   and chairman Karunakar Madha-   such challenges via Kuchupudi in her   her 4 decades of efforts and dedica-
        the event and highlighting the motive   varam acknowledged and admired     40 years of vast career, despite no   tion which was a take home for many
        behind this felicitation. The classical   Dr. Padmaja Reddy’s love, sincerity   one from her family and friends in   youngsters who were present at the
        kuchipudi performances by students   and commitment for promoting arts,   the dance field.            event.
        of renowned Kuchipudi gurus Sobha   most specifically Kuchupudi, by not   Prominent community  leaders,   The event wouldn’t have been
        Tammana and Mahalakshmi Varad-    her just training tens and thousands   TAGC President-Elect Parameswara   possible without the help of many
        han stood spectacular and cherished   of students through thousands per-  Reddy Yarasani, Venkat Gunuganti,   volunteers.
        the audience.                     formances worldwide but also for   Ranga Reddy Lenkala, Vinitha Pod-    -- Asian Media USA

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