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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 22, 2022 | The Indian Eye 32
Indian Christian Day Celebrated as A Day of Unity and Heritage
OUR BUREAU constitution is no longer guaranteed
under the BJP rule under the Indian
New York, NY
Courts’ eyes.
he Indian Christian Day (Je- Last year alone 761 cases of per-
sus Bhakti Divas) organized secution have been identified which
Tto celebrate the Indian her- have been published in a book form
itage and Christian spirit to show by FIACONA. He said that the pur-
solidarity with persecuted Christians pose of the meeting is to express our
in India, has made history. As Chris- pain against such atrocities.
tians from all Indian states gathered, Rt. Rev. Dr. Dharmaraj Ras-
read the Bible in their own language alam, the Moderator of the Church
and sang prayer songs, it became a of South India, spoke about how
bright union of fervent faith. The the arrival of St. Thomas not only
program was attended by Indian impacted the lives of Christians and
Christians from New York, New Jer- paid tribute to the sacrifices of the
sey, Connecticut and Christian community to the nation
The event was organized by in uplifting the poor and oppressed.
the Federation of Indian American Rev. Dr. Ruben Mark, the Deputy
Christian Organizations of North moderator Bishop spoke about the
America (FIACONA), a forum of love Indian Christians in the Dias-
Christian organizations in response pora have for India and encouraged
to the insidious attempts to alienate them to continue with the unity they
and attach the Christians through have exhibited at the gathering.
the propaganda that the Christian He described how the arrival
faith was left behind by British colo- and activities of St. Thomas influ-
nialism in India, despite its two thou- enced India. The work of St. Thomas
sand years of tradition. is crucial in the Christian faith. He
The event also coincided with also extolled the diaspora’s love for
the 1950th anniversary of the mar- India. He said that we are proud to
tyrdom of Saint Thomas. Histor- be Indian Christians. He said the
ically, July 3rd is celebrated as St. willingness to sacrifice for the faith
Thomas day by Christians across was part of the Christian faith. De-
India. However, starting from 2021, spite being a persecuted community,
the day is being celebrated as Indian Christians are not united. But today,
Christian Day in India and among all the sects of Christians are happy
the global Diaspora of Christians. to attend this event.
In the United States, it is estimat- Bishop Johncy Itty, Bishop of
ed that Christians from India con- the Episcopal Church in Long Is-
stitute about 20% of the Diaspora, land, New York, said that India,
which amounts to close to a million along with the rest of the world, is
non-resident Indians and people of going through a serious crisis today.
Indian origin. However, our faith should sustain us
The gathering, which was bless- lighting the lamp as a symbol of In- government of India issued a postage in such a time as this.
ed with the presence of bishops and dian heritage and patriotism. stamp in 1972. So, this year marks He pointed out that India and
priests from various churches, began Fiacona President Koshy the 1950th anniversary of the mar- the world are in various conflicts.
with a chendamela and a proces- George pointed out in his welcome tyrdom of Saint Thomas. Mr. Koshy There is no time in life without con-
sion. St. Vincent de Paul Malankara speech that our established belief is also expressed his deep concern flict. But now it is too much. But
Catholic Church in Elmont became that Saint Thomas has brought the growing persecution of Christians in God leads us by the hand. We may
a platform for Christian unity. The gospel to India and was martyred in India as the fundamental religious not be able to change the times, but
conference started with the bishops AD 72. To mark its 1900 years, the freedom guaranteed under India’s we can make changes.