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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 22, 2022 | The Indian Eye 29
Premier Indian Jewelry Brand Tanishq
Presents The Houston Trunk Show
A Five-day event featuring over 2000 curated jewelry designs
Houston, TX
anishq, India’s most-loved jew-
elry brand, is set to present its
Tuniquely curated and differen-
tiated designs during a five-day trunk
show taking place at the Hyatt Regency
Houston West hotel from July 13-17.
Guests of the event will discov-
er Tanishq’s distinctive aesthetic - a
marriage of timeless tradition and
fresh, contemporary design. The
collection of exquisitely handcrafted
pieces features diamonds and other
precious gemstones including rubies,
emeralds, and sapphires, as well as
exotic gems including vibrant citrines
and tanzanite, handset in 18kt and
22kt gold. The vast range of jewelry
on display will include bracelets, pen-
dants, necklaces, earrings, and more,
ranging from everyday wear, to stun-
ning one-of-a-kind statement pieces
that elevate your look.
The pieces on display will in-
clude select designs from the brand’s
recently launched Romance of Polki
collection. Polki or uncut diamonds,
is a stunning celebration of the cen-
turies-old craft that has been passed
on for generations and enjoys unpar-
alleled heirloom status even today.
Tanishq’s latest cocktail collection
of diamonds and natural gemstones,
Color Me Joy, will also be on show-
case during the event. The collection
is inspired by the women of the world
and celebrates their individuality,
self-expression, and elegance but
also their playfulness.
“Every Tanishq piece is crafted
to be a part of someone’s journey.
From festivities to life events, mile-
stones, and weddings to everyday Bhalla, Marketing Head – Interna- Onsite self-parking is available. With designs that capture the beauty
events. We invite you to come visit us tional Business Division, Titan Com- Tanishq, India’s most-loved jew- and celebration of special occasions,
at the Houston Trunk Show & expe- pany Limited. elry brand from the TATA Group, has Tanishq aims to be an integral part of
rience a wide array of exquisite con- Event attendees can avail up to been synonymous with superior crafts- every woman’s journey. Attesting to
temporary and traditional jewelry.” 20% (*TnC Applied) reduction of manship, exclusive designs, inimita- this commitment towards excellence,
says Amrit Pal Singh, Business Head any purchase, including wedding and ble customer service and guaranteed in 2019, Tanishq has been awarded
– North America at Titan Company other special occasion jewelry. product quality for over two decades. the title of The Most Trusted Jewelry
“We are on a journey to build
At Tanishq, jewelry is not just
The Tanishq Trunk Show takes
Tanishq as a global brand & are de- place daily from 11:30 am – 7:30 a product, but a manifestation of Brand in India by the Trust Research
lighted to showcase our range to In- pm in the Lakeview room at Hyatt artistry and our exquisite range of Tanishq currently has a presence
dians living in Texas. At the Trunk Regency Houston West, located at gold & diamond jewelry strikes the of 340+ stores and is India’s most
Show, we believe we have something 13210 Katy Fwy, Houston, TX. The perfect balance between tradition- trusted jewelry brand with an ex-
special for everyone from work wear event is free and open to the public. al charm and contemporary appeal. tremely high brand recall.
to bridal wear” Added Vandana