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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 22, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
The Cumin Club, a Nationwide Indian Meal Kit
Subscription, Celebrates 3 Years in Business
Chicago, IL
hicago-based Indian food
startup The Cumin Club cel-
Cebrated 3 years in business
with an intimate dinner in Brooklyn,
New York. Launched in 2019, The
Cumin Club delivers authentic, re-
gionally-diverse Indian meals made
in five-minutes, starting at just $4.99/
meal. The Cumin Club offers vegan
and vegetarian dishes from all over
India from classic Indian street food
like Pav Bhaji to comforting bowls
of Pongal and Bisibelebath. With
30+ dishes and a constantly growing
menu, the demand for its meal kits
has skyrocketed over the past year.
To celebrate this success and
mark their 3-year milestone, the our 3rd-year anniversary celebration. chef-crafted meals are made from tered in Chicago, IL. The Cumin
company hosted an intimate dinner It was great to pause and reflect on high-quality spices sourced from dif- Club offers curated subscription meal
where leading South Asian influenc- what the brand has accomplished ferent regions of India, and that we plans drawn from authentic regional
ers had the opportunity to try multi- so far while also celebrating with have an all-natural label with no add- Indian cuisines. Meals are made by
ple The Cumin Club recipes and take friends, family, and NYC’s South ed artificial preservatives.” local chefs across India and delivered
some meal kits to prepare at home. Asian influencer community. It was The Cumin Club aims to take to customers’ doorsteps around the
The event was held at The Overlook amazing to see the overwhelming- Indian food mainstream in the future world. The Cumin Club meal kits are
with a scenic New York City as the ly positive reactions we received on with geographic expansion, selling vegetarian, flavor-packed, five-min-
backdrop. The evening was curat- the dishes that were served and the on additional channels, new pantry ute meals and are priced starting at
ed by Neerja Public Relations and praise on the authentic flavors and offerings, and much more. For more $4.99.
Brown Girl Magazine with Shivani high quality.” information on The Cumin Club, vis- The Cumin Culinary Brands
Anns performing as the musical guest. “Our mission is to make authen- it also includes The Cumin Bowl, a
Harish Visweswaran, co-founder tic Indian food accessible to all,” The Cumin Club is a branch of virtual restaurant concept serving
of The Cumin Club said “We couldn’t says Ragoth Bala, co-founder of The The Cumin Culinary Brands that was crave-worthy Indian meals with sim-
have asked for a better audience for Cumin Club. “We are proud that our established in 2019 and is headquar- ple ingredients.