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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 22, 2022 | The Indian Eye 22
AAPI’s New Leadership to Strengthen
Association’s Mission
OUR BUREAU this organization under the leader-
ship of various presidents, is a med-
Austin, TX ical degree holder from the Medical
I Academy of Sofia, Bulgaria. He has
will work towards strengthening
the goals and mission of AAPI
worked on several AAPI Committees
and help make AAPI a healthcare
Membership Committee, Awards
thought leader in the US and globally including: AAPI Bylaws Committee,
and work in the best interests of our Committee, and Publications Com-
Physicians and our community here mittee.
in the US and serve our motherland, Dr. Ranga says, “AAPI is very
India,” Dr. Ravi Kolli, President of close to my heart and I want to see it
AAPI declared in his inaugural ad- as more of an inclusive outfit, making
dress immediately after being sworn a clarion call to physicians of Indian
in as the President of the American origin serving in some of the remote
Association of Physicians of Indian areas of the country to be part of this
Origin (AAPI) in San Antonio, TX. great organization and be driving
Dr. Ravi Kolli has a dynamic AAPI LERADERSHIP 2022 forces of change. My goal in the com-
and diverse team comprising of Dr. ing year is to formalize and create
Anjana Samaddar, President-Elect, (TAPI), Past President of Rangaraya substance use disorders. We will also AAPI leadership academy working
Dr. Satheesh Kathula, Vice Presi- Medical College Alumni of North actively promote physician wellness with executives from American Col-
dent; Dr. Meherbala Medavaram, America and as the Past President of and self-care to address the challeng- lege of Physicians for the develop-
Secretary; Dr. Sumul N. Raval, Trea- Association of Telugu Medical Grad- es of physician burnout and suicide.” ment of leadership roles for all AAPI
surer; Dr. V. Ranga, Chair, Board uates in USA Dr. Vishweshwar R. Ranga, members. I want to work hard to
of Trustees; Dr. Pooja Kinkhabwala, “In my role as the President of Chairman of Board of Trustees of engage young physicians and attract
President of Young Physicians Sec- AAPI, I will be working closely with AAPI is a practicing Internal Medi- them to AAPI. They are the future
tion; and, Dr. Ammu Susheela, Pres- my entire leadership team to make cine Specialist from Las Vegas affil- of AAPI.” the newly elected Chair of
ident of Medical Student/Residents AAPI a more dynamic and vibrant iated with multiple local area hospi- AAPI BOT
& Fellows Section. Dr. Anupama organization playing a meaning- tals and has had more than 35 years Dr. Anjana Samadder, Presi-
Gotimukula will continue to guide ful and relevant part in advocating of experience in the medical field. dent-Elect of AAPI, says, “In my role
AAPI as the Immediate Past Presi- health policies and practices that best Dr. Ranga has been associated with as the President-Elect, I would like
dent of AAPI. serve the interests of all patients and AAPI since his early days as a Resi- not only to carry on the good work
Dr. Kolli, President of AAPI is a promoting the physician’s role as the dent in New York. “Since moving to initiated and started by prior presi-
Board Certified Psychiatrist with ad- leaders of the team-based health care the United States to pursue my career dents, but also like to address health
ditional qualifications in Addiction, delivery,” Dr. Kolli says. as a physician I have been closely fol- care practice issues facing our mem-
Geriatric and Forensic Psychiatry, While leading the largest ethnic lowing the entire spectrum of health bers both in private practice and in
and serves as Psychiatric Medical Di- medical organization in the United care in the world’s largest economy,” academia. I would like to get AAPI
rector of Southwestern Pennsylvania States, Dr. Kolli wants to “focus on recalls Dr. Ranga. represented in the US National
Human Services. A former Clinical battling the stigma of mental illness A team player and dedicated to Health care committee by organizing
Asst. Professor of Psychiatry, Univer- and access to quality mental health the growth of AAPI, Dr. Ranga says, strong lobbying efforts. I will also ad-
sity of Pittsburgh and West Virginia care broadly. I will be forming liai- he wants “continue to work with the dress physician burnout and establish
University, Dr. Kolli had served as son with mental health professionals team and ensure that AAPI’s voice a networking platform for young phy-
the Vice President of AAPI 2020-21, in India and globally and bring aware- is heard wherever relevant decisions sicians. I will be open to suggestions
Secretary of AAPI 2019-20, Regional ness of various biopsychosocial ther- are made that impact the physician from members in order to make our
Director of AAPI 2017-18, Past Pres- apeutic options to promote wellness community.” Dr. Ranga, who has organization one of the strongest eth-
ident of Pittsburgh Chapter of AAPI and recovery from mental illness and worked hard towards the growth of nic organizations in USA.”