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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 22, 2022 | The Indian Eye 24
Ojas Chitnis Appointed to Governor appoints Arun
Lion International Board Agarwal to Texas Economic
Development Corporation’s
Board of Directors
OUR BUREAU added to the board to give a voice to OUR BUREAU United States,” said Agarwal, who
the youth. They are appointed by the also serves as the chair of the India
international president for a term of American CEO Council and presi-
local youth, Ojas Chitnis, was one year. run Agarwal, CEO of Dal- dent of the Dallas Parks and Recre-
appointed to the Lions Inter- Leo-Lion Ojas is involved in com- las-based, home textile com- ation Board. “The Governor realizes
A national Board as a youth rep- munity service since he was a child. Apany NEXTT, has been named the tremendous power our commu-
resentative during their International He is passionate about youth empow- to the Texas Economic Development nity holds in this country as the hard-
Convention in Montreal last week. He erment, feeding the hungry and civil Corporation’s (TxEDC) Board of est-working, highest-earning ethnic
is the youngest ever and the 1st Amer- rights. He led a food collection and Directors this week. Governor Greg minority, and, together, we hope to
ican to be a “Leo-Lion Liaison” rep- sculpture competition, “Together we Abott tapped Agarwal, along with make Texas the most successful hub
resenting the youth around the world. CAN”, which received international eight other Texas execs, to market the for small and large business owners in
Lions Clubs International is the accolades. During the pandemic he state nationally and across the world the world.”
largest service club organization in the hosted a virtual series of 40 episodes as a place to relocate a business and “Their efforts will be instrumental
world. More than 1.4 million mem- for the leadership skill development create new jobs. in amplifying the success of TxEDC in
bers in over 48,000 clubs are serving for the youth. Arun Agarwal of Dallas has busi- promoting Texas as a premier busi-
in 200 countries and geographic areas He was a state officer of Future ness interests in textiles, cotton trad- ness destination,” Abbott said.
around the globe. Since 1917, Lions Business Leaders of America (FBLA) ing and real estate. Additionally, he Governor Abbott has made nine
have strengthened local communities and member of the “Diversity, Equity is a board member of the U.S. India appointments to the TxEDC Board
through hands-on service and human- and Inclusion Council” of the NJ Spe- Friendship Council, Executive Board of Directors for terms set to expire
itarian projects and extend the service cial Olympics. He is a NJ Lead fellow UT Dallas, Texas Tech Innovation at the pleasure of the Governor. The
impact through the generous support and was the captain of his high school HUB at Research Park, Big Brothers corporation is the private side of a
of Lions Clubs International Founda- varsity tennis team. As a freshman in Big Sisters International and MD An- public-private partnership with the
tion. Lions are focused on supporting the George Washington University, derson Board of Visitors. He is also Governor’s Office of Economic De-
vision, the environment, childhood he is a member of a business fraterni- a volunteer for CHETNA and the velopment & Tourism tasked with
cancer, hunger, diabetes, and other ty and founded a Lions Campus club. Living Dreams Foundation. Agarwal marketing Texas, domestically and
pressing humanitarian needs to help He served as a membership satisfac- received a Master’s in Business Ad- globally, as the best state for business.
address some of the biggest challeng- tion chair of “Leo Club Advisory Pan- ministration from IMT - Ghaziabad, “Even though the Lone Star State
es facing humanity. el”, an international committee for a Master’s in Computer Information has enjoyed a strong track record of
Lions International board con- the youth group of Lions in 2019-21. Systems from Southern New Hamp- economic success for more than a
sisting of the International President, Lion Ojas has pledged to increase shire University and an Advanced decade, TxEDC and its board will be
Vice presidents, 35 International Di- the youth involvement in the leader- Certificate in International Business looking for new, cutting-edge ways to
rectors overlooking the complex op- ship of the association and help the from Harvard University. promote Texas as the premier loca-
erations of this global organization. underprivileged youth around the “This is a tremendous honor for tion for business,” said Robert Allen,
Since 2017 “Leo-Lion Liaisons” are world to reach their potential. the Indian-American diaspora in the president and CEO of the Texas EDC.