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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 23

         Long Island Muslim American Woman Runs

               for U.S. Congress on Democratic Ballot

         Rasool is a first generation American, the daughter of Drs. Shama and Ayaz Rasool, who

                                    immigrated to NY-3 from Srinagar, Kashmir in 1974

                                                      Island, where she ran for the Oyster Bay Town
        OUR BUREAU
                                                      Board in 2021.
        Long island, NY                                  Rasool is a graduate of New York University
                                                      and the founder of South Asian Young Women
             ust  as  the  first  Muslim  American  female,   Entrepreneurs (SAY WE), a national not-for-
             Kamala Khan aka Ms Marvel, uses her su-  profit trade association that educates, supports,
        Jper powers to take the world by storm in the   and advocates for women in business.
        Marvel Comic Universe on Disney+, real-life      Rasool is also the founder and principal of
        Muslim American superhero Reema Rasool        LUXE  Consulting  Groupe,  an  international  fi-
        fights against inequality and advocates for justice   nancial  marketing  firm  that  specializes  in  the
        on behalf of her almost 800,000 constituents on   niche field of U.S. infrastructure investments by
        the Northern Shore of Long Island and North-  foreign nationals. LUXE has offices in India and   “We  are  a  people-powered  campaign,”
        east Queens.                                  the UAE.
            Rasool  is  a  first  generation  American,  the   Rasool is running for Congress to lower tax-  asserts  Rasool.  “I’m  representing  the
        daughter of Drs. Shama and Ayaz Rasool, who   es, support small business owners by redefining   middle-class of this country and plan to
        immigrated to NY-3 from Srinagar, Kashmir in   the tax code, fight for education equity for chil-
        1974. A life-long NY-3 resident, Rasool is a se-  dren, keep communities safe, and ensure health-  advance our standing as the technological
        rial entrepreneur and successful business woman   care for all.                            and business capital of the world. Together,
        who advocates for small business owners.         The Democratic Primary for New York’s 3rd
            A mother of two teenage boys, Rasool is the   Congressional District is slated for Tuesday, Au-  we will guarantee healthcare, a healthy en-
        FIRST Muslim American woman on the bal-       gust 23, 2022. Rasool is running against FIVE   vironment, and financial stability for all.”
        lot for the Nassau County Democrats on Long   other candidates.

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