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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 36

        a future where those students with the most potential to innovate will inno-  el agreement with the gold-stan-
        vate in the US”.                                                    dard polysomnography without the
            Thanedar acknowledged the troubles associated with acquiring the H1-B   need for expensive and cumber-
        visa post-graduation. “Deadlines dictating a student’s stay in the country is   some  equipment and  a  clinician
        troublesome, that is precisely why I’m proposing a revision with respect to   to score the test,” reports Sheth in
        extensions,” he said.                                               Computers in Biology and Medi-
            Thanedar said he believes every student deserves considerable time to   cine. “This advancement challeng-
        find employment and determine which workspace works best for them.  es the traditional reliance on elec-
           “This bill is just one of many that I support because they bring us closer to   troencephalography (or EEG) for
        a more equitable world while creating a more robust economy to the benefit   reliable sleep staging and paves the
        of Americans and Michiganders,” he said.                            way for more accessible, cost-effec-
                                                                            tive sleep studies.”
                               BHAVIN SHETH                                 to high-quality sleep analysis outside
                                                                                This technique can enable access
                Professor develops testing                                  clinical settings, Bhavin’s research
                                                                            holds the potential to expand the reach of sleep medicine significantly. Re-
         procedure for cost-effective sleep                                 liable classification of sleep stages is crucial in sleep medicine and neurosci-
                                                                            ence research for providing valuable insights, diagnoses and understanding of
                                  studies                                   brain states.
                                                                                The electrocardiography-based model was trained on 4000 recordings
                                                                            from subjects 5–90 years old. They showed that the model is robust and per-
               niversity of Houston, associate professor of electrical and computer   forms just as well as a clinician scoring polysomnography.
               engineering Bhavin R. Sheth and former student Adam Jones, have   “Our method significantly outperforms current research and commercial
        Uintroduced  a  groundbreaking  approach  to  sleep  stage  classification   devices that do not use EEG and achieve gold-standard levels of agreement
        that could replace the current gold standard in sleep testing, the cumbersome   using only a single lead of electrocardiography data,” said Sheth, who is also
        polysomnography, which uses a myriad of wires and is performed in a clinic.  a member of the UH Center for NeuroEngineering and Cognitive Systems.
            Their new procedure, which can be performed at home by the user, uses
        a single-lead electrocardiography-based deep learning neural network, ensur-
        ing that there are no more wires all over your body. The new technique uses   To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
        only two wires, unlike the traditional method.                                        our website
           “We have successfully demonstrated that our method achieves expert-lev-

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