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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                        JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 40

             Understanding Target Audience:

                                            MASS vs CLASS

                 The target audience refers to a specific group of individuals or consumers that

                                    a business aims to reach with its products or services

                                                                                                                supplies or basic food items often
                                                                                                                target a mass audience due to their
                                                                                                                universal appeal.
                                                                                                              Key Characteristics of Class
                                                                                                              Audience Targeting:
                                                                                                              • Specific  Demographics:  Class  tar-
                                                                                                                geting involves identifying and ca-
                                                                                                                tering to a specific group based on
                                                                                                                factors like age, income, lifestyle,
                                                                                                                and preferences.
                                                                                                              • Personalization:  Marketing  mes-
                                                                                                                sages can be more personalized
                                                                                                                and tailored to the preferences of
                                                                                                                the target audience.
                                                                                                              • Brand Loyalty: Building strong re-
                    Hirav Shah
                                            Understanding the target audience allows businesses to tailor their messaging to resonate   lationships with a niche audience
                                                                                                                often leads to higher brand loyalty
           n the realm of marketing and    with the specific needs and interests of the intended consumers (Representative/File photo)   and repeat business.
           business strategy, identifying and
        Iunderstanding the target audi-     current customers through surveys   • Improved  Product  Development:   Examples of Class Audience
        ence is a pivotal step towards achiev-  to gather insights into their needs,   Insights into the target audience’s   Targeting:
        ing success.                        preferences, and expectations.    preferences and pain points aid in   • Luxury Brands: Companies like
        • Two  primary approaches  to  cate-  • Competitor Analysis: Analyze the   the development of products or   Rolex or Louis Vuitton target a
          gorizing audiences are often dis-  target audience of competitors to   services that better meet consumer   high-income, discerning clientele.
          cussed: Mass and Class.           identify potential gaps or opportu-  needs.                       • Specialized Services: High-end spa
        • Each approach has its own set of   nities in the market.          • Competitive Advantage: Business-  resorts or boutique fitness studios
          characteristics, and businesses must   • Social Media Analytics: Utilize so-  es that define and understand their   may focus on a specific demograph-
          carefully assess their products, ser-  cial media platforms to gather data   target audience gain a competitive   ic seeking exclusive experiences.
          vices, and goals to determine which   on audience demographics and en-  edge by delivering more relevant
          strategy aligns best with their objec-  gagement metrics.           and personalized experiences.   Choosing the Right Approach:
          tives.                          • Focus Groups: Organize focus                                      • The decision between mass and
                                            groups to gather qualitative data  Key Characteristics of Mass      class targeting depends on various
        What is Target Audience?            and gain deeper insights into con-  Audience Targeting:             factors, including the nature of the
        • The target audience refers to a   sumer attitudes and opinions.   • Wide Reach: The primary advan-    product or service, marketing bud-
          specific  group  of  individuals  or                                tage of mass targeting is the ability   get, and business goals. Some prod-
          consumers that a business aims to  Why Defining a Target Audience is   to reach a vast number of people   ucts thrive with mass appeal, while
          reach with its products or services.   Very Important?              across different demographics.    others  find  success  by  creating  a
        • This  group  is  identified  based  on   • Effective Communication: Under-  • Economies of Scale: Mass produc-  sense of exclusivity and targeting a
          various factors such as demograph-  standing the target audience allows   tion and distribution often result in   specific audience.
          ics, psychographics,  behavior, and   businesses to tailor their messaging   cost efficiencies due to economies   • In conclusion, understanding the
          preferences.                      to resonate with the specific needs   of scale.                     nuances of mass and class audience
        • Understanding the target audi-    and interests of the intended con-  • Brand Awareness: Mass marketing   targeting is crucial for businesses
          ence helps businesses tailor their   sumers.                        is an effective way to build brand   aiming  to maximize their  market-
          marketing strategies to effectively   • Resource Optimization: By focus-  awareness quickly,  especially for   ing efforts. Striking the right bal-
          connect with and engage the right   ing marketing efforts on a defined   products with broad appeal.  ance between reach and relevance
          consumers.                        audience, resources can be allo-                                    is key to building a sustainable and
                                            cated  more  efficiently,  leading  to   Examples of Mass Audience   successful brand presence in to-
        How to Find a Target Audience?      cost-effective campaigns.       Targeting:                          day’s diverse marketplace.
        • Market Research: Conduct thor-  • Brand Relevance: Connecting with   • Fast Food Chains: Brands like Mc-
          ough market  research  to gather   the  right audience builds brand   Donald’s or Coca-Cola employ    The writer is a well known Business
          data on demographics, consumer    relevance and fosters stronger rela-  mass marketing to appeal to a wide   Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
          behavior, and preferences.        tionships, increasing the likelihood   range of consumers.               and BestSelling Author.
        • Customer Surveys: Engage with     of customer loyalty.            • Household Products: Cleaning

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