Page 39 - The Indian EYE 071924
P. 39

BUSINESS EYE                                                             JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 39

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Samsung to unveil its latest smartphone, the Galaxy M35, in India

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                    Samsung  recently  launched  a  bunch  of  new
                                                                                                   smartphones and tablets in India, including, Gal-
        Seoul (South Korea)
                                                                                                   axy S24 Ultra, Galaxy Z Fold 5, and Galaxy A55
             amsung Electronics is set to unveil its latest                                        5G. There are also a number of new M and F-se-
             smartphone, the Galaxy M35, in India on                                               ries phones that have been launched recently.
        SJuly 17. The announcement comes after the                                                    India’s smartphone market shipped 34 million
        device initially debuted in Brazil back in March,                                          smartphone  units  in  the  first  quarter  of  2024.  It
        with subsequent teasers hinting at its imminent ar-                                        also registered a 11.5 per cent growth YoY (year-
        rival in the Indian market. The confirmation of the                                        over-year), making it the third consecutive quar-
        launch date, confirmed by GSM Arena, dispels ear-                                          ter of growth in shipments, as per the Worldwide
        lier speculations, aligning perfectly with Amazon’s                                        Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker by International
        Prime Day sales event scheduled for July 20 and 21.                                        Data Corporation.
            The Galaxy M35 features a robust set of specifi-  Samsung recently launched a bunch of new smartphones and   However, the share entry level segment in all
        cations, highlighted by Samsung’s Exynos 1380 SoC.                                         smartphones of upto USD 100 declined to 15 per
            It boasts a 6.6-inch 1080x2340 120 Hz Super         tablets in India (Agency photo)    cent, down from 20 per cent a year ago. Xiaomi
        AMOLED display, offering a peak brightness of                                              continued to lead this space, followed by Poco
        1,000 nits and protected by Gorilla Glass Victus+.   al colours, the Galaxy M35 promises a sleek and   (2nd) and itel (3rd). The average selling price
        The device is equipped with a versatile camera set-  modern aesthetic.                     (ASP) of smartphone remained flat YoY and QoQ
        up, including a 50 MP main sensor with Optical   Upon its launch, the Samsung Galaxy M35 will   at USD 263, ending the streak of strong ASP rise
        Image Stabilisation (OIS), an 8 MP ultrawide lens,   be available for purchase on Amazon. Samsung’s   for the last several quarters.
        and a 5 MP macro camera. For selfie enthusiasts,   strategic timing aligns the release with Amazon’s   The share of Apple, with an ASP of USD 953,
        there’s a 13 MP front-facing camera.         Prime Day.                                    had  a  record  first-quarter  shipment,  growing  by
            Powering these features is a substantial 6,000   Enthusiasts  and  tech-savvy  consumers  alike   19 per cent YoY. Price discounts, special deals on
        mAh battery with support for 25W wired charging,   can anticipate the Galaxy M35’s debut, as it brings   e-Tailer platforms, and attractive financing options
        according to GSM Arena. While the promotion-  cutting-edge technology and robust performance   led to this consistent growth for Apple beyond the
        al image showcases a simulated design with a   capabilities to the competitive mid-range smart-  festive season. iPhone 14/15 made up 56 per cent
        disclaimer regarding potential variations in actu-  phone segment in India.                of shipments for Apple. (With agency reports)

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