Page 38 - The Indian EYE 071924
P. 38

BUSINESS EYE                                                             JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 38

         Indian stock market eyes Q1 results, budget,

                  and global cues in the upcoming week

          Sensex and Nifty have cumulatively accumulated 11-13 per cent returns so far in 2024-25. Strong

          buys by both foreign and domestic institutional buyers also have been supporting the stock markets

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            es, the market is optimistic that the
                                                                                                              government will maintain its focus
                                                                                                              on infrastructure, defence, railways,
              s the week gone by saw In-                                                                      and green energy. As of now, the
              dian stock markets touching                                                                     market is not factoring in any nega-
        Afresh all-time highs and at the                                                                      tive surprises in the form of income
        same time volatile trading days, the                                                                  tax changes, LTCG, STCG, STT, etc.
        market is likely to see stock specific                                                                Any changes in these areas will have
        moves gain traction on the back of                                                                    a short-term negative impact on the
        ongoing  earning  season, as per the                                                                  market,” Krishna Appala, Sr. Re-
        market analysts.                                                                                      search Analyst, at Capitalmind Re-
                                                                                                              search said.
                                                                                                                  The market participants will ac-
        Last week, the benchmark in-                                                                          tively monitor the policy decisions of
        dices moved higher as the Fri-                                                                        the new government.
                                                                                                                  As the companies have started
        day session progressed and in                                                                         revealing  their  first  quarter  results
        the process touched a fresh                                                                           the specific sectoral stocks are show-
        high. The market was triggered                  A stockbroker in a jubilant mood at a brokerage as Sensex    ing fresh highs. IT saw a fresh rally
                                                                                                              and was up 4% after TCS reported
        by the latest moderation in US                      and Nifty hit all-time highs (ANI file photo)     inline numbers.
                                                                                                                 “IT sector is expected to be in fo-
        inflation, better-than-expected   expectations of an uptick in volumes   Sensex closed over 600 points or   cus as other IT majors will come out
        TCS results, and lack of nega-    aided  FMCG  stocks  to  outperform   0.8 per cent higher at 80,519 points,   with results. On Monday, markets
        tive market fundamentals.         the main indices. In the week ahead,  whereas Nifty closed 186 points or   will  react  to  India’s  inflation  data
                                          economic data like China GDP, Eu-  0.8 per cent higher at 24,502 points.   which will be released post-market.
                                          roZone  CPI  inflation,  ECB  policy,  Sectoral indices were mixed on Fri-  Key results next week include Jio Fi-
            Observing the market trends,  and the US Fed chair speech will be   day last week.                nancials, HDFC Life, Asian Paints,
        Vinod Nair, Head of Research, at   watched carefully by investors to get   As per the market watchers the   LTI Mindtree, Infosys, Havells, Wi-
        Geojit Financial Services said, “We   cues on market momentum.”     upcoming budget session scheduled   pro, JSW Steel, Paytm, etc. Also
        expect  stock-specific  moves  to  gain   Sensex  and  Nifty  have  cumula-  from July 23, will deliver further in-  globally, investors will take cues from
        traction due  to the  ongoing  earn-  tively accumulated 11-13 per cent re-  centives,  including  investments  and   China’s Q2GDP numbers, US Core
        ings  season;  indeed,  IT  will  be  in   turns so far in 2024-25. Strong buys   capital expenditure for sectors such as   Retail  Sales  data,  and  ECB  inter-
        the limelight due to the good start   by both foreign and domestic institu-  Railways, Defence, Shipbuilding, Pow-  est rate decisions,” said Siddhartha
        to the earnings and outlook. The   tional buyers also have been support-  er Financing, and Industrial sectors.  Khemka, Head - Retail Research,
        good progress in the monsoon and   ing the stock markets.              “As the budget session approach-  Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd.

                    Piyush Goyal meets WTO DG, Indian diaspora, investors

                n  the  first  day  of  his  visit  four-nation European bloc or EFTA   with prominent members of the Indi-  including representatives from
                to  Zurich  regarding  im-  (European Free Trade Association).  an diaspora in Zurich. He acknowl-  MSC Cargo. They discussed poten-
         Oplementation of the In-            On  the  first  day,  Goyal  had   edged their valuable contributions to   tial collaborations and investment
         dia-EFTA Trade and Economic  high-level discussions with the Di-   the Swiss economy and Indo-Swiss   opportunities in various sectors.
         Partnership Agreement (TEPA),  rector General, World Trade Organ-  relations, encouraging them to invest   Goyal also convened a meeting
         Union Minister of Commerce and  isation (WTO), interactions with the   in India. He highlighted the exten-  with India’s WTO team in Geneva,
         Industry Piyush Goyal engaged in a  Indian diaspora, and dialogues with   sive opportunities available under   led by the Ambassador and Per-
         series of significant meetings.  potential investors, presenting India   the leadership of Prime Minister Na-  manent Representative of India at
             The minister was on a two-day  as an attractive destination for busi-  rendra Modi and the newly signed   WTO,  along  with  senior  officers
         official visit (July 14-15) to Switzer-  nesses  and  industry  for  trade  and   India-EFTA  Trade  and  Economic   from the Department of Com-
         land to take forward commitments  investment,  according  to  an  official   Partnership Agreement.  merce. They thoroughly discussed
         as part of India’s recently signed  statement on Monday.               Piyush Goyal met leading busi-  priority issues currently under dis-
         free trade agreement with the       The Minister further engaged   ness figures and potential investors,   cussion or at various stages of ne-
                                                                                                              gotiations in the WTO.

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