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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 34

                                ISHAAN SAVLA                                sive experience and achievements in
                                                                            understanding customer pain points
                                                                            and optimizing operations make him
        Student member to shape policies  well-suited for this strategic role.
                                                                               “Empowered to shape strategy
            of County Board of Education                                    and provide guidance on technical
                                                                            and  financial  decisions  impacting
                                                                            customer  interactions,  the  CXO
                                                                            centralizes responsibility for experi-
                                                                            ence management under one leader,”
                                                                            DISA said.
                                                                                Shah will work in his current role
                                                                            as the engineering lead while serving
                                                                            as the Chief Experience Officer. He
                                                                            will  continue  to  report  to  DISA’s
                                                                            Chief  Information  Officer  Roger
                                                                               “The decision to appoint Mr. Shah as CXO delegation was based on his
                                                                            extensive experience and demonstrated achievements, particularly in under-
                                                                            standing customer pain points and operational insights,” said DISA.
                                                                                As per Shah, both of his roles at DISA in leading engineering and custom-
                                                                            er experience are aligned closely.

                                                                                                   SHRI THANEDAR

                                                                                     Congressman introduces
              he Contra Costa County Board of Education (CCCBOE) recently an-
              nounced the appointment of Ishaan Savla, a junior at Dougherty Valley   ‘Keep STEM Graduates in
        THigh School in San Ramon, as the student member of the Board for the
        2024-25 school year.                                                                    America’ Act
            Savla has been actively involved in local and statewide advocacy, serving
        as Governmental Affairs and Policy Director for the Bay Area at the Califor-
        nia Association for Student Councils, an ambassador for the San Ramon Teen
        Council, and a class officer and member of the leadership team at Dougherty
        Valley High School.
           “I am excited to begin this journey as a student member of the county’s
        Board of Education,” Savla said. “I aim to connect with special needs students
        and forge more sister-school partnerships where student-led clubs and orga-
        nizations bridge students across the county. I want to ensure that the voices
        of students are present in the conversation about educational policies and
            He was selected from a pool of 35 applicants representing eight school
        districts and 11 high schools. His appointment reflects the Board’s commit-
        ment to including student voices in the decision-making process that affects
        their education and future.
           “We are thrilled to welcome Ishaan to the Board,” Board President Mike
        Maxwell said.
            As a student member of the CCCBOE, Savla will actively participate in
        meetings, offer insights on issues affecting students, and collaborate with oth-
        er members. They have a preferential vote, which means they may formally   S Congressman Shri Thanedar, of Michigan district has introduced the
        express their preference on a motion before a vote by the board. Preferential   HR 9023 legislation that would allow students to stay in the US after
        votes do not count in the final numerical outcome of a motion. The first meet-  Utheir studies.
        ing will be held on Wednesday, August 14, at 5 p.m.                     The Keep STEM Graduates in America Act proposes changes in the
                                  RAJU SHAH                                 H-1B visa process and raises the number of available visas each year to make
                                                                            staying in the United States more accessible.
               Engineer to lead Customer                                    education in technology and the sciences have significantly contributed to over-
                                                                                The Congressman said they found that foreign students who pursued an

              Experience at DISA as CXO                                     all innovation and growth. Thanedar placed heavy emphasis on the visa pro-
                                                                            cess for STEM (science, technology, engineering or mathematics) graduates.
                                                                                He used his personal experience to affirm the importance of this legislation.
              he Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) of the US has recent-  “As an immigrant whose educational opportunities in the US shaped all
              ly created a new role called the Chief Experience Officer (CXO) to   the  subsequent  opportunities  I  received,  I  understand  the  importance  of
        Tenhance customer experience across DISA. Raju Shah, who currently   keeping our most gifted students in the country,” Thanedar said.
        serves as the director of enterprise engineering and innovation at DISA, has   He said that the Keep STEM Graduates in America Act will help retain
        been appointed to this position as of June 1.                       the graduates “by expanding the availability of H-1B visas and making the
            As the CXO, Shah will focus on improving customer interactions, mission   process to obtain one simpler, we take an important and tangible step towards
        partner experiences, and employee engagement within the agency. His exten-                                   Continued on next page... >>

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