Page 32 - The Indian EYE 071924
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 32

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                              KAMALA HARRIS                                                     JENIFER RAJKUMAR

          VP’s ancestral village tracks her  Assemblywoman considering bid

                  prospects in US election                                              for NYC Comptroller

            n a small south Indian village, Thulasendrapuram,  more than 8,000 miles
           (12,900 km) from Washington, residents are closely watching to see if U.S.
        IVice President Kamala Harris might replace Joe Biden in the upcoming     ssemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar has opened an exploratory committee
        election against Donald Trump. Harris, born to an Indian mother and a Jamai-  to run for New York City Comptroller. As a Democrat, she would be on
        can father who migrated to the United States to study, is the leading contender   Aa collision course with the city’s current comptroller, Brad Lander. “We
        to take Biden’s place in the November  5 election race if he were to drop out,   have the most expensive health care system in the world, the largest education
        sources have said. However, Biden has said he’s “not going anywhere.”  system in the country and New York City is the largest metropolitan economy
            Harris visited her ancestral village when she was five and has recalled
        walks with her grandfather on the beach of Chennai, around 200 miles from   on the globe,” said Rajkumar.
                                                                                She added, “And yet hardworking New Yorkers who pay some of the
        the village where the family later lived.                           highest taxes in the country are not able to get lifesaving healthcare, quality
            According to a Reuters report, the village’s residents want more this time,
        given the news coming from the U.S. which they are following on TV and   education or adequate transportation.”
                                                                                Rajkumar says, there is not enough return on investment or government
        social media.
                                                                            accountability. As per her, the inefficiency in governmental affairs is costing
                                                                            lives. She declared, “I can fix it, and that is why I am exploring a run for New
        “There will be a larger celebration this time as she is expected to  York City Comptroller.”
                                                                                Rajkumar’s statement highlights her focus on government accountability
        contest for president,” said K. Kaliyaperumal, a member of the      and efficiency, emphasizing that she aims to address these issues if she de-
        village committee. He said if she was nominated, the reaction       cides to officially enter the race. The primary election is scheduled for June
        would be like it was for India’s cricket team, whose recent World   of next year.
                                                                                Jenifer Rajkumar is a lawyer, professor, and government leader who
        Cup win sparked a frenzy in the country.                            made history as the first South Asian-American woman ever to be elected
                                                                            to a state office in New York. A graduate of Stanford Law School and the
           “Residents expected a visit, statement or at least a mention about the vil-  University of Pennsylvania, Jenifer has worked across the country to empow-
        lage, but that didn’t happen,” said G. Manikandan, a shopkeeper in Thulasen-  er disenfranchised, vulnerable and excluded individuals, at both the national
        drapuram, where some 2,000 people live. “Many people hung calendars with   and local levels.
        her picture outside their homes when she became vice president. They are not   Comptroller is New York City’s Chief Financial Officer, an independently
        so prominent anymore. But it’s likely they’ll now make a comeback.”  elected official who safeguards the City’s fiscal health, roots out waste, fraud
            While the village may be disappointed it didn’t get a mention, S.V. Ra-  and abuse in local government, and ensures that municipal agencies serve the
        manan, who runs a temple to the family deity of Harris’ grandfather, was sym-  needs of all New Yorkers.
        pathetic, saying her family left Thulasendrapuram in the 1930s.                                              Continued on next page... >>

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