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JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 17

                                                                 STAY FUN,


                                                                                   AND SEXY

            Have a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Care is available for people of all
            gender identities, sexual orientations, and immigration statuses:

                STI prevention, testing, and care     HIV prevention (PEP and PrEP), testing, and care

                Mpox and other vaccinations         Reproductive health       LGBTQIA+ health                VISIT
                Information and resources                                                                    NYC.GOV/SEXUALHEALTH

            Low to no cost care is available at many facilities,
            including all City-run sites.

        of our dozens of pools, miles of                                                                      of dynamic and engaging artwork
        beaches, or sprinkler playgrounds.                                                                    along the Summer Streets route to
        There is non-stop fun on our board-                                                                   be installed as one-day activations
        walks, and picnics and concerts to                                                                    throughout all five event dates.
        be enjoyed in every New Yorker’s                                                                          WABC-TV will serve  as  the
        backyard — the 30,000 acres of our                                                                    official  media  sponsor  of  Summer
        city’s park system and green spaces.                                                                  Streets, along with sponsors I Love
        Stop by the city’s public plazas for                                                                  New  York, Pumpspotting, the Met-
        meetings and markets, breezy miles                                                                    ropolitan Transit Authority, Siggis,
        made easy in the nation’s largest                                                                     Stonyfield, and C4 Energy.
        bike lane network, and public bath-                                                                      “Summer streets has become
        rooms so you can go when you are                                                                      exceptionally successful,  with New
        on the go. And check out how we                                                                       Yorkers from all over coming to uti-
        get it all done in our ‘Realm of Pos-                                                                 lize the extra public space and access
        sibility’ report!”                                                                                    to our streetscape,” said Manhattan
            More  than  500,000  people                                                                       Borough President Mark Levine.
        walked, ran, cycled, or played on                                                                        “I especially want to encour-
        Summer Streets last year, in the pro-                                                                 age Manhattanites to check out the
        gram’s first year operating in all five                                                               fantastic programming we have for
        boroughs. This year’s program will                                                                    this event in our borough and think
        represent the most ambitious version   uitably throughout the city. Summer   five boroughs — with the exception   about how the streets by them could
        of Summer Streets since its launch   Streets will return for five Saturdays   of a new route launching on Staten   be better designed to support their
        in 2008 and brings a continued focus   from July 27 through August 24. Car-  Island. This year, DOT released an   and their family’s needs in a way that
        on spreading programming out eq-  free routes remain the same for the   open call to select up to two pieces   also improves the environment.”

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