Page 22 - The Indian EYE 062824
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 22

                 Ekal Vidyalaya’s fundraiser on

                       Long Island a huge success

                 Ekal NY Chapter President Mohan Wanchoo addressing the gathering      Audience attentively listening to the speech by Mohan Wanchoo

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            sponsored over 500 schools in remote
                                                                                                              Ekal villages, provided tablets for the
        Hicksville, NY
                                                                                                              e-Shiksha program, provided com-
              he Indian American communi-                                                                     puter education through the “Ekal
              ty opened its wallets and hearts                                                                on Wheels” program, and is provid-
        Tonce again to support Ekal                                                                           ing support for the Integrated Village
        Vidyalaya at a successful fundraiser                                                                  Development (IVD) project in Am-
        organized on June 8 by its New York                                                                   rabad, Telangana.
        chapter. With over 92,000 one-teach-                                                                      Speaking on behalf of the Per-
        er schools in underserved areas in In-                                                                fection of Man Foundation, Lynnette
        dia and 2.8 million enrollments, Ekal                                                                 Iglesias appreciated Ekal’s innova-
        Abhiyan is a charitable organization                                                                  tive approach and openness to new
        dedicated to empowering rural and                                                                     ideas. This Foundation was started by
        tribal communities through social,                                                                    Satish Mallick, a long-time supporter
        economic, and gender equality.                                                                        of Ekal who sponsored many schools
            Popular singers  Kedar  Godbole                 Singer Kedar Godbole entertaining audience        in remote Ekal villages. The Founda-
        and Minal Kapadia serenaded over                                                                      tion has provided support for three
        100 guests  at the  “Ek Surili Shaam  cation in reading, writing, arithmetic  Ekal has been bringing literacy, health-  Tailoring Centers and is supporting
        Ekal Ke Naam” event at Antun’s in  and Sanskar Shiksha (value educa-  care and economic prosperity to thou-  the Integrated Village Development
        Hicksville, NY.                   tion) under a tree or at a makeshift  sands of villages in India. The reach  (IVD) project.
            Mohan Wanchoo, President of  facility, making it cost-effective.  of Ekal into remote areas has enabled   Other donors included commu-
        Ekal Vidyalaya’s, New York Chapter,  The emphasis on teaching girls has  it to touch the lives of 10 million peo-  nity leaders Animesh Goenka, Chan-
        made  video  and  Powerpoint  presen-  brought their numbers in Ekal schools  ple. The mission of Ekal is the holistic  dra Bhansali, Kanak Golia and many
        tations to highlight Ekal’s exemplary  to 50%. After all, a country cannot  development of villages through the  others. The event was supported
        pan-India work and unique model. He  succeed unless its women are invest-  empowerment of tribal (vanvasi) and  by Dr. Vijaypal Arya, Dr. Urmilesh
        said you can support and sponsor an  ed in it fully, he added. After receiv-  rural communities with basic educa-  Arya,  Dr.  Rajendra  Modi,  Mukesh
        Ekal school that runs on just $1 a day.  ing  primary education,  students  go  tion, digital literacy skill development,  Modi and Ashok Vyas.  Speaking to
            Wanchoo’s impactful appeal met  to Vidya Bharti and other schools.  health awareness, imparting modern  TV presenter Ashok Vyas, Mohan
        with enthusiastic response. Many gen-  Ekal has been innovating in keep-  and productive agricultural practices,  Wanchoo stated that what differen-
        erous people in the audience instantly  ing with the times and with an empha-  and rural entrepreneurship.  He in-  tiates Ekal from other similar initia-
        gave their checks.  Speakers included  sis on social and economic upliftment.  formed the gathering that the galas  tives in India is its broader vision. It
        Ekal donors Mukund Padmanabhan,  Under the e-Shiksha scheme, tablets  in the US, like the ones he has been  is working towards Viksit Bharat, a
        Founder and Chairman of Guru Kru-  are provided to schools.   As part of  hosting for some years now, bring in a  developed and strong India.
        pa Foundation, and Lynnette Iglesias,  Ekal on Wheels program, Ekal buses  significant portion of the total budget   The evening concluded  with  the
        Managing Director of Perfection of  fitted with computers go to villages to  of Ekal Abhiyan.         melodious rendering of popular Hindi
        Man Foundation, as well as think tank  give computer education to children   Speaking on the occasion, tech-  film songs by Ekal volunteers Kedar
        Vibhuti Jha and Navneet Agarwal.  and grown-ups so people can get com-  preneur  Mukund  Padmanabhan  Godbole and Minal Kapadia,  mes-
            Wanchoo explained that Ekal’s  puter jobs locally.              appreciated the work of Ekal Vidya-  merizing the guests as they enjoyed a
        single teacher model provides edu-    Wanchoo said that for 35 years  laya. His Guru Krupa Foundation has  sumptuous dinner.

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