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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 18

           Dr. Kavita Gupta is Elected Chair

                         of AAPI Board of Trustees

        OUR BUREAU                        development and strengthening our                                   Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in
                                          professional relations.”                                            New York and had participated in
        New York, NY
                                              With nearly three decades of ex-                                consulting and advisory roles with
               r. Kavita Gupta made histo-  cellence and dedicated service to the                             pharma, device companies and was
               ry as the first-ever physician   causes of physicians of Indian ori-                           mentoring biomedical engineering
        Dwho was born and raised in       gin in the United States, Dr. Kavita                                graduate students.”
        the  United  States,  a  second-gener-  Gupta is embarking on her new role,                               Dr. Gupta grew within AAPI na-
        ation Indian American physician to   bringing in a wealth of experiences                              tionally and locally while attending
        hold a national leadership position   and vision fortified with infectious                            national and local Chapter meet-
        in the 44-year-old history of the   zeal, and unwavering courage.                                     ings.  She was elected national Vice
        American Association of Physicians    A woman leader in a predomi-                                    President of MSRF, Treasurer of
        of Indian Origin (AAPI). Dr. Gup-  nantly men’s club, Dr. Gupta’s mo-                                 YPS, and later on as YPS president.
        ta was elected Secretary of National   tivation  for  joining  AAPI  was  that                        She has been active in the Philadel-
        AAPI in 2013. Now, a decade later,   “AAPI  needed  young  charismatic                                phia Indian Physician organization,
        she has been elected as the Chair of   leaders that had the service and                               serving as its Secretary and Vice
        the Board of Trustees of AAPI.    leadership qualities needed to unite                                President.
                                          and bring Indian physicians to new                                      She was elected and served as
        Currently, Dr. Gupta is serving   levels in American society.”                                        the national Secretary of AAPI in
                                                                                                              2013. In addition,  Dr. Gupta has
                                              Dr. Kavita Gupta is board-cer-
        a 3-year term on the power-       tified in pain management, phys-                                    served on various national AAPI
        ful Board of Trustees of AAPI.    ical medicine, and rehabilitation.   medical  practice, Dr.  Gupta says,   Committees- from women’s forum/
                                          A  prominent  practicing  pain  man-  “I’ve been in practice as an interven-  academic  affairs  /CME  speaker/
        She will assume charge as the  agement physician from the south-    tional pain management for over 20   convention committees and under
        Chair  of  AAPI’s  BOT  during    ern New Jersey Tri-state region, Dr.   years, ranging from academic prac-  several past presidents/convention
                                          Gupta had started as an engineer   tice and private practice.” Before   teams.
        the first-ever World Congress  but pursued a medical degree “with   becoming a physician, Dr. Gupta       While working towards expand-
        of  AAPI  in  New  York  on  July   a mindset to help others.”      had a Master’s degree in biomedi-  ing AAPI’s mission statement to in-
                                                                                                                     Continued on next page... >>
                                              Describing her long years of
                                                                            cal engineering from the prestigious
        20th, 2024.
            “I want to congratulate Dr.
        Kavita Gupta for representing sec-
        ond-generation Indian American
        physicians in this very important
        role as the BOT Chair of AAPI,” said
        Dr. Anjana Samadder, current Pres-
        ident of AAPI. “With her election to
        the leadership role in AAPI, the sec-
        ond  and  successive  generations  of
        physicians of Indian Origin at AAPI
        are  poised  to  continue  the  tremen-
        dous success of our prior leadership
        and contribute our dynamic talents
        towards AAPI’s mission.”
            Recognizing the need to bring
        in more second-generation Indian
        American physicians to AAPI, Dr.
        Gupta says, “We have to grow with
        the next generation by its side. I see
        myself as a true liaison with our
        younger 2nd generation leaders.”
        Stating that she brings “a new per-
        spective  and  also  a  second-genera-
        tion rationale to the issues we face
        as Indian American physicians,” Dr.
        Gupta would like to see “my efforts
        go to slowly building a strong asso-
        ciation focusing on younger leader

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