Page 16 - The Indian EYE 062824
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                  JUNE 28, 2024

                           NYC Mayor Adams kicks off

        “Summer of Possibility” by announcing

                           largest-ever Summer Streets

              New Yorkers Will Again Enjoy Nearly 20 Miles of Car-Free Streets and

          Programming in All Five Boroughs Over Five Saturdays in July and August

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY

               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-
               ams on Tuesday kicked off the
        Ncity’s “a celebration of New
        York City’s unrivaled summer offer-
        ings at a time when crime is down,
        jobs are up, and the city is more liv-
        able than when the Adams adminis-
        tration came into office.
            The   Adams    administration
        launched the starting with an event
        hosted by New York City Depart-
        ment of Transportation (DOT)
        Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez
        to announce the city’s largest-ever
        Summer  Streets  program  with  ex-
        panded  operating  hours  in  all  five
        boroughs for the first time since the
        program’s launch in 2008.

        This year, nearly 20 miles of
        Summer Streets corridors will
        be open to pedestrians and
        cyclists for eight hours (from

        7:00 AM to 3:00 PM) — a 33
        percent  expansion  from  previ-
        ous years.
                                          streets and open restaurants pro-  halls, apprenticeships, volunteer op-  administration is working every day
                                          grams to expanded Summer Rising   portunities, and more.            to ensure our city is working to give
            The extended time represents   hours, new cooling centers, and in-  “New York City is back — and   you  the  summer you  want  and  de-
        the Adams administration’s con-   vestments in pools across the city,  with  our Summer  of  Possibility  —  serve. This city is full of possibilities!”
        tinued commitment to the beloved   the Adams administration is con-  there has never been a better time to   “New York City summers siz-
        summer  program,  building  on  the   tinuing to ensure that there has nev-  enjoy the five boroughs,” said May-  zle,” said Deputy Mayor for Oper-
        2023  expansion  that,  for  the  first   er been a better time to enjoy sum-  or Adams. “Whether you want to   ations Meera Joshi. “Enjoy the hot-
        time, brought Summer Streets to all   mer in New York City. New Yorkers   find a new job, enjoy a summer con-  test block party in the nation, with
        five boroughs after operating exclu-  can visit the for more information on   cert, enjoy our largest-ever summer   nearly 20 miles of car-free ‘Summer
        sively in Manhattan.              free cultural and parks events, open   streets program, or take part in so   Streets.’ Afterwards, cool off in one
            From the largest-ever summer   beaches and pools, as well as hiring   much more our city has to offer, our   Continued on next page... >>

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