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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                          JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 14

        Education that Lifts Up All of Our Students

           “NYC Solves,” is a major citywide initiative to make mathematics more accessible for all

               students — no matter where they go to school or what language they speak at home

                   ERIC ADAMS

              s New York City’s first openly
             dyslexic mayor, I know what it
        Ais like to not have the support I
        needed in school growing up. School
        was often difficult for me. I was scared
        of being called on by the teacher and
        my fellow students made fun of me. I
        know how important it is that our chil-
        dren have a bright start and the sup-
        port they need for a bold future.  In just two years, our administration has implemented a major initiative, “NYC Reads,” to fundamentally change how students learn to read liter-
            That is why this administration                   acy as the core focus and priority of New York City’s public schools (File/Agency photo)
        is  investing in upstream solutions  in
        our education system, creating con-
        ditions that improve outcomes for all   ers and students with disabilities, so   workers and psychologists, and much   students summer programming. We
        our students. We don’t want our chil-  that every student can be prepared   more.  Our mandated universal dys-  are committed to helping students en-
        dren to fall behind because they learn   for a rewarding career and long-term   lexia screening for all students are   ter the workforce with programs like
        differently, we want them to start out   economic security — no matter their   helping us get students the support   FutureReadyNYC that connect our
        ahead. And this week we are taking   background or ability.         they need early on, and we have cre-  students to apprenticeships that lead
        another big step forward with two ma-  The work of DIAL will be guid-  ated the first-ever public school dedi-  to good-paying careers. This work has
        jor initiatives: a new vision for special   ed by external voices through a new   cated to supporting students with dys-  resulted in students earning a cumula-
        education and a new math curriculum,   advisory council charged with helping   lexia and related learning disabilities.   tive $8.2 million from paid work expe-
        “NYC Solves.”                     shape support systems for immigrant   We have also provided over    riences at top companies over the past
           “NYC Solves,” is a major citywide   students and their families, so that we   42,000 students with offers for a 3-K   two years alone.
        initiative to make mathematics more   can  improve  educational  opportuni-  seat — an increase of 300 percent in   Our New York City Public
        accessible for all students — no mat-  ties and outcomes for every student.  the last five years, and we are continu-  Schools chancellor, David Banks, and
        ter where they go to school or what   These two new initiatives build on   ing to work to ensure that every child   I are both graduates of the New York
        language they speak at home. This   the generational investments we have   who wants an early childhood educa-  City school system, and we are com-
        new program will revolutionize how   already made in public education.  tion seat will have access to one. We   mitted to continuing our city’s legacy
        algebra is taught in schools and en-  In just two years, our administra-  have also added 57 Gifted and Talent-  of excellence in public education. We
        sure that all our students have foun-  tion has implemented a major initia-  ed programs citywide and added over   are not going to allow another Eric to
        dational math skills and are being   tive, “NYC Reads,” to fundamentally   26,000 classroom seats through major   sit in the classroom, hoping not to be
        encouraged to excel in mathematics   change how students learn to read   construction and modernization proj-  called on. We are making sure that ev-
        at every level.                   literacy as the core focus and priority   ects. I am also pleased to report that   ery student has access to the support
            We are also creating the Division   of New York City’s public schools. We   nine new schools will open in the com-  and resources they need. We are lift-
        of Inclusive and Accessible Learning   have also invested over $600 million   ing school year, including a new high   ing up our young people and putting
        (DIAL), which will be led by a new   to protect critical programs that were   school focused on health care.  them on a pathway to a bright future
        Deputy Chancellor for Inclusive and   funded with temporary stimulus dol-  And because we know that learn-  and making sure that our education
        Accessible Learning Christina Foti.   lars, including arts  funding, teacher   ing doesn’t only take place in the   system remains unmatched anywhere
        This new division will utilize a $750   recruitment efforts, restorative justice   classroom and during the school year,  in this nation.
        million budget and 1,300 staff to fo-  programming, computer science pro-  we have expanded popular programs   Eric Adams is the Mayor of
        cus on supporting multilingual learn-  grams, “Civics for All,” school social   like Summer Rising to bring 110,000   New York City, NY

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