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OPINION                                                                  JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 12

        cooperation. It sought to tighten the
        bond between India and its neigh-
        bours, moving from traditional bilat-
        eralism to subregional cooperation.
            Recognising its pivotal posi-
        tion, India has assumed the role of
        a key facilitator, enabling trade and
        connectivity amongst neighbouring
            It provides access for Nepal,
        Bhutan and Bangladesh to trade with
        each other and outside the region.
        These countries hold  immense  po-
        tential for increased infrastructure,
        trade, and investment cooperation.
        The participation in the swearing-in
        ceremony on 9 June 2024 is a clear
        signal of commitment to extending
        and revitalising this cooperation.

        Further, India also seeks to
        engage with the Maldives,

        Mauritius, Sri Lanka and the
        Seychelles to cooperate in the
        India Ocean Region (IOR) under
        the Security and Growth for All

        in the Region (SAGAR) initia-
        tive. Through the SAGAR vision,
        India has been exploring the       Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina witness an exchange of multiple MoUs and agreements during a joint press
        potential for blue economy de-                                statement, at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on Saturday (ANI)

        velopment, maritime security,
        and fostering regional partner-   broad engagement.                 and Bangladesh. In terms of connec-         Conclusion
        ships.                                These shifts from bilateralism to   tivity, BBIN countries have pursued   s  India  reaffirms  its  “Neigh-
                                          proactive subregional cooperation   initiatives like concluding the BBIN   bourhood First” policy and
                                          initiatives aim to  enhance region-  Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA)
            The SAGAR doctrine envisions                                                                      A“SAGAR vision,” it paves the
        a free, open, inclusive, peaceful and   al stability and promote economic   in June 2015 to facilitate the free   way for a future characterised by en-
                                                                            movement of vehicles, cargo, and
                                          growth and mutual prosperity. Prime
        prosperous  Indo-Pacific  region.  It   Minister Modi’s reaffirmation of In-  passengers. Although Bhutan hasn’t   hanced subregional integration and
        advocates for an international order   dia’s  “Neighbourhood  First” policy   ratified  the  agreement  yet,  Bangla-  cooperation. The noticeable partici-
        built on established rules, sustain-  and “SAGAR vision” emphasises the   desh, India and Nepal have approved   pation of leaders from neighbouring
        able and transparent  infrastructure   strategic importance of subregional   it, with India announcing plans to im-  states  and the  IOR  at PM  Modi’s
        investments, freedom of navigation   cooperation. Prioritising relations   plement it without Bhutan.   swearing-in ceremony underscores
        and unobstructed lawful commerce.   with neighbouring states and extend-  Additionally, there were discus-  India’s commitment to fostering
        India aims to contribute to various   ed neighbours (IOR), India intends   sions about a BBIN Rail Agreement   peace, stability and prosperity. It
        aspects, such as connectivity, capac-  to encourage inclusive development   in the third Joint Working Group of   also signals a positive trajectory for
        ity building, disaster management,   and sustainable growth.        BBIN in January 2016 to bolster rail-  subregional and multilateral engage-
        people-to-people exchanges, sustain-  From SAARC to Subregional-    way networks and enhance regional   ments, offering renewed prospects
        able development and awareness of   ism: An Evolutionary Paradigm   economic growth and tourism. Initia-  for collaboration. Through concerted
        illegal  fishing  activities,  maritime   The stagnation within the South   tives like bus services between these   efforts and collaborative initiatives,
        safety and security and underwater   Asian Association for Regional Co-  countries have already begun, and   India, along with its subregional part-
        domain awareness in the IOR, guid-  operation (SAARC) has catalysed a   there are further prospects for coop-  ners, is poised to usher in an era of
        ed by SAGAR principles.           paradigm shift towards subregion-  eration pending the approval of the   sustained growth, prosperity and har-
            Ultimately, this policy seeks to                                                                  mony within the South Asian subre-
        create  opportunities  of  growth  for   al initiatives. Bangladesh, Bhutan,   BBIN-MVA.              gion and the Indian Ocean region.
                                          India and Nepal (BBIN) initiative
                                                                                While in the recent past, there
        all countries located in the region,   stand out as exemplary models, fo-  have been no new developments in   Subodh Chandra Bharti is a Research
        ensure freedom of navigation, and   cusing on infrastructure develop-  the BBIN initiatives, however, Prime   Associate at Indian Council of World
        uphold international maritime law   ment, trade facilitation, and econom-  Minister Modi’s call for ‘deeper    Affairs, New Delhi
        in  the  region.  The  participation  of   ic cooperation.          people-to-people ties, connectivity,
        South Asian neighbours and the        The BBIN countries possess    peace, progress and prosperity in the   This article first appeared in the View-
        IOR countries in the swearing-in   significant potential for hydropower   region’ signals a positive outlook for   point section of the website (www.icwa.
        ceremony indicates a positive sign of   generation, with Bhutan and Nepal   reviving projects, aiming to foster   in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
        developing steadfast subregional and
                                          capable of exporting energy to India   subregional cooperation.         New Delhi, on June 21, 2024

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