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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 28, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 24

                                Gandhian Society Hosts

         Cultural Event to Celebrate Diversity

                                 and India-US Relations

        OUR BUREAU
        Edison, NJ

              he  Gandhian   Society,  a
              non-profit  organization  dedi-
        Tcated to promoting the ideals
        of  Mahatma  Gandhi,  hosted  a  cul-
        tural event to celebrate diversity and
        strengthen relations between India
        and the United States.
            The event welcomed over 25 es-
        teemed organizations representing
        the vibrant tapestry of the Indian
        diaspora in the New York area. The
        esteemed Consul General of India
        in  New  York,  Shri  Binaya  Srikanta
        Pradhan, was the guest of honor.
            “This  evening, we  celebrate
        more than just the arrival of a dis-
        tinguished diplomat,” said Mahesh
        Wani, Secretary of the Gandhian So-
        ciety. “We celebrate an opportunity
        to bridge cultures and communities,
        a principle that resonated deeply
        with Mahatma Gandhi.”                                                                                   FISANA, and Jahanvi Mehta of
            The event highlighted the Gand-                                                                     the Oak Tree Road Business As-
        hian  Society’s  commitment  to  in-                                                                    sociation offered their greetings to
        clusion, a cornerstone of Gandhi’s                                                                      the Consul General.
        philosophy. It brought together indi-                                                                 • Anil Narang of World Vegan Vi-
        viduals of all ages, genders, and back-                                                                 sion spoke about Mahatma Gand-
        grounds, united by their connection                                                                     hi’s legacy of veganism and pro-
        to India and its values.                                                                                moting Gandhian values.
            “Our organization fosters a spirit                                                                • Upendra Chivukula, chairman of
        of inclusion,” Wani added. “We have                                                                     the board of public utilities of NJ,
        experienced seniors who guide us                                                                        offered his support and that of the
        with their vision, while our younger                                                                    state of NJ to the Consul General.
        members translate that vision into                                                                        The Consul General expressed
        action. This mentorship ensures the                                                                   his appreciation to the Gandhian
        Society’s sustainability and cultivates                                                               Society for organizing the event and
        future leaders.”                                                                                      the warm welcome he received. He
            The  evening  featured  a  cultur-                                                                commended the captivating cultural
        al performance that showcased the                                                                     show featuring Indian classical mu-
        rich diversity of the Indian-American                                                                 sic, a traditional Mallakhamb per-
        community.                                                                                            formance, a Tabla ensemble, and an
                                            bridge  Township spoke about  the   offered to host future consulate   odyssey dance recital.
          The event featured remarks from a   Indian-American  community’s    events benefiting the community.    He acknowledged the Indian
         distinguished group of dignitaries and   valuable contributions to their lo-  • Dr. Sudhir Parikh, chairman of   diaspora’s dedication to both their
                community leaders:          cal communities.                  Parikh Worldwide Media, lauded   homeland and their adopted com-
                                                                              the Gandhian Society’s humanitar-  munities, while preserving their her-
                    MAYORS:                      BUSINESS LEADERS:
                                                                              ian work and pledged his contin-  itage through culture, values, and
        • Mayor Sam Joshi of Edison Town-  • Albert Jasani and Dr. Dinesh Pa-  ued support.                   traditions.
          ship welcomed the Consul General   tel, owners of Royal Albert Palace   COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS:        The event concluded with a vote
          and expressed gratitude to the par-  and the event’s hosts, extended a                              of thanks delivered by Mr. Bhadra
          ticipating organizations.         warm welcome to all guests and   • Kenny Desai, former president of   Butala, founder of the Gandhian
        • Mayor John McCormick of Wood-     the Consul General. They further   FIA, Bharat Rana, president of   Society.

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